The application of 3D CT to improve outcome following primary and revision acatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
This project aims to answer a series of scientific questions regarding the clinical effectiveness and outcomes of a single-bundle anatomic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.
Injury to the ACL is a common injury in sport. However, unlike other ligaments in the knee that will typically heal on their own via scar formation, repairing the ACL requires surgical intervention. If left untreated, a ruptured ACL can cause chronic pain and instability in the knee, which can predispose patients to further injury and early arthritis. The goal of treatment of an injured knee is to return the patient to their desired level of activity without risk of further injury to the joint by reconstructing the ligament using patella ligament, cadaver ligament/tendons, or hamstring tendons (called grafts).
3D CT images are routinely ordered following ACL surgery or prior to revision ACL surgery. Detailed analysis of bone tunnel diameter into which grafts are placed, and tunnel position can be achieved with this imaging modality. This information will be recorded in a computer programme and statistically analysed to give a better understanding of the effects of the anatomical placement of ACL grafts in the femur (thigh bone).
The purpose of this project is to investigate the correlation between functional and radiological outcomes of anatomic, single-bundle ACL reconstruction. Two separate areas of study will aim to answer whether the use of 3D CT can assist in improving patient outcome following ACL surgery.