All Research Projects
All Research Projects
Addressing the Folivore Paradox
Project Leads | Jeffrey, Amelia
Department | Life Sciences
Performance Year | 2019
Queer Faces in Holy Spaces
Project Leads | Kinsella, Jay
Department | Sociology
Performance Year | 2019
“Takin’ It Easy, 1916”
Project Leads | McGrath, Thomas
Department | Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies
Performance Year | 2019
Exploring the mentality towards education in Surat, India
Project Leads | Tailor, Kavita
Department | Sociology
Performance Year | 2018
Commentary on Achilleid Book Two through the lens of the Homeric tradition
Project Leads | Puente-Gamero, Pablo
Department | Classics and Ancent History
Performance Year | 2017
Characterisation of a novel protein linked to immune responses and cancer
Project Leads | Abbadi, Maria
Department | School of Life Sciences
Performance Year | 2016
To what extent can Hong Kong be considered the epitome of globalisation? - An African perspective
Project Leads | Akinroyeje, Ife
Department | History
Performance Year | 2016
Kultur ohne Grenzen: Walhalla and Cultural Identity in Nineteenth Century Germany
Project Leads | Heathcote, Matthew
Department | History
Performance Year | 2016
Pain and the Skin-ego
Project Leads | Strike, Elspeth
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Performance Year | 2015
Organic Living Spaces in North Eastern Brazil
Project Leads | Brandim-Howson, Joseph
Department | Politics and International Studies
Performance Year | 2015
Constructing Latin America
Project Leads | Kafka, George
Department | Comparative American Studies, History, Literature and Culture of the Americas
Performance Year | 2015
Provision of healthcare for the homeless in Coventry
Project Leads | Sriram, Aiesha
Department | Warwick Medical School
Performance Year | 2015
Healthcare systems in European Welfare Regimes: Variance and Priorities
Project Leads | Abdelgadir, Islam Mamoun
Department | Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Performance Year | 2015
Distorting the "balance"? - Marginalising copyright exceptions through restrictive licensing
Project Leads | Greenwood, Sarah
Department | Law
Performance Year | 2015
Alternative Methods of Political Participation in Colombia, South America
Project Leads | Hubert, Elizabeth
Department | History and Politics
Performance Year | 2015
The Celluloid Ceiling
Project Leads | Allen-Pickard, Dorothy
Department | School of Modern Languages
Performance Year | 2015
Re-evaluating the Spartan stereotype: A change in the way we see disability through history
Project Leads | Sharples, Annie
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Performance Year | 2015
Chaucer in Iceland: A Study of the Impact of Scandinavian Identity on Contemporary Medieval Studies
Project Leads |Lewis, Liam
Department | French Studies
Performance Year | 2014
Agents of "Cultural Exchange" between the German and English Reformations
Project Leads | Hunt, Christopher
Department | History
Performance Year | 2014
The logic behind social media use and its influence on social economic decision making
Project Leads | Feltham, Rachel
Department | Philosophy
Performance Year | 2014
Long eared bat hybridization in the UK
Project Leads | Chung, Bonita
Department | School of Life Sciences
Performance Year | 2014
The display of Greek epigraphical texts in Athenian museums
Project Leads |Hay, Miriam
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Performance Year | 2013
Finding a new aesthetic: Shakespearean performance in the UK in the 21st Century
Project Leads |Bent, Matthew
Department | Theatre and Performance Studies
Performance Year | 2012
Comparative study of students' civic engagement in heterogeneous and homogenous sociocultural environment: case study of Croatian students
Project Leads |Jeric, Jure
Department | Philosophy
Performance Year | 2012
Does the lipid lowering effect of soy foods differ based on equol status? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Project Leads |Paul, Christina
Department | Warwick Medical School
Performance Year | 2012
Non-Profit Medicine and the Language Barrier in Cambodia
Project Leads |Psomadakis, Cristina
Department | Warwick Medical School
Performance Year | 2012
The application on 3D CT to improve outcome following primary and revision anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Project Leads |Watts, Evan
Department | Warwick Medical School
Performance Year | 2012
One step further into the mysteries of inheritance: chromosome segregation in yeast
Project Leads |Ogura, Misa
Department | Life Sciences
Performance Year | 2011
Encouraging female entrepreneurship: lessons from Colombian women
Project Leads |Quigley-Jones, Jennifer
Department | History
Performance Year | 2011
The translation of best practices: a comparative analysis of two case studies in Italy
Project Leads |Monteiro, Pedro
Department | Warwick Business School
Performance Year | 2011
Exploring the Aesthetics of Dance
Project Leads |Lau, Jasmin
Department | Philosophy
Performance Year | 2011
Passing the baton: Handover of patients between health care professionals - post-implementation analysis
Project Leads |Pool, Rosalind
Department | Warwick Medical School
Performance Year | 2011
Systematic review of studies comparing 24h vs spot urine collections for estimating population salt intake
Project Leads |Paul, Christina
Department | Warwick Medical School
Performance Year | 2011
evGrandPrix - building links to Purdue University through electric kart racing
Project Leads |Kenyon, Ryan
Department | Engineering
Performance Year | 2011
Virtual Futures 2.0'11
Project Leads |Mason, Luke Robert
Department | Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies
Performance Year | 2011
All the Tired Horses - a modern European novel in three parts - a modern European novel in three parts
Project Leads |Owen, Matthew
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Performance Year | 2010