Presentation Guidance

Presentation sessions are currently being scheduled for both WorldCUR and BCUR 2023. We are looking forward to welcoming all delegates to the University of Warwick campus and to see and hear all about undergraduate research taking place throughout the UK and all over the world. We want to support you as you put your WorldCUR/BCUR presentations together.
If you have chosen to present in a format other than spoken/poster, and need additional guidance or support, get in touch to discuss the specifics with our team at - we'd be more than happy to help!
For more information on Themes and Forms of Presentation, please see below.
Poster Guidance - What Makes a Good Poster?
- Important information should be readable from about 10 feet away
- Title is short and captures viewer’s interest
- Word count of about 300 to 800 words
- Text is clear and to the point: avoid using unnecessarily long sentences
- Use of bullets, numbering, and headlines make it easy to read
- Consistent font and clean layout
- Includes acknowledgments, your name and institutional affiliation
Spoken Presentation Guidance
- Spoken presentations will be a maximum of 15 minutes long with 15 minutes allowed for Q&A at the end of each panel.
- Three presentations will be scheduled in each panel session, with one hour allowed for each panel overall.
- There will be multiple panels happening at the same time and audience attendance will vary based on panel topics, audience interests, room capacities and other factors.
- You are very welcome to use a slideshow to support your presentation - visual aids like this can really help to communicate your work to a non-specialist audience (although this is not compulsory!).