International Compass
Compass is an exciting programme that allows you to prepare for your ICUR presentation with other student presenters from around the world. Students from the University of Warwick, the University of Leeds, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and Monash University (Melbourne and Malaysia) are organised into groups of 8 presenters under the leadership of an undergraduate student mentor with previous experience of ICUR. The groups learn how to meet via Zoom, Monash University’s preferred video conferencing system, and how to provide constructive feedback and developmental advice to their peers from different countries and disciplines, to create truly effective presentations for ICUR’s unique interdisciplinary and international audience. Collaboration across timezones and cultures, and the resulting enhancement of your communication, critical thinking and networking skills, is a great opportunity for your personal development and your CV. Students who have been through the Compass programme give better ICUR presentations, coming to the conference thoroughly prepared to speak about their research in ways that leave their audience with a clear understanding, transcending disciplinary and cultural boundaries. Groups meet on a fortnightly basis for 10 weeks, allowing for an introductory session followed by two workshopped presentations per session through to the conference in September. You will need to be available to attend five video conferenced sessions over a 10-week period, and to prepare your own presentation for one of the sessions during the programme. The Zoom video conferences can be joined via your personal computer from anywhere in the world.