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Compass 2020: Mentee Application Form

Compass: Undergraduate Research Mentorship Programme

Compass is an undergraduate peer mentorship and network programme that brings students across the university together to develop individual research projects. Whether you are interested in learning more about what research is, have a research question but are unsure of how to get started or are looking to develop your research further, then Compass is a safe and supportive environment for you to workshop your ideas and research.

Each peer mentor group is made up of no more than eight undergraduate students (known as the mentees) from a range of disciplines and is facilitated by an undergraduate student (known as the mentor) who has previously been involved in research including BCUR, ICUR, Reinvention and URSS.

Compass groups are divided into two streams based on the previous experience mentees have in doing research. Broadly, Stream 1 groups together applicants who have little to no previous experience of undertaking research projects, and this is called the Beginner Researcher stream. Stream 2 involves students who have had some previous research experience and may therefore be looking to develop a further project, or work towards disseminating their research at a conference or in a journal, and this is called the Experienced Researcher stream. We ask a number of questions below to draw out more specifics of what your goals for the programme are, and what level of previous experience you have, in order to form appropriate mentee groups, but we also ask you to self-select Stream 1 or Stream 2 at the outset.

Mentor-mentee groups meet bi-weekly for an hour throughout Term 2 through to the first part of Term 3, for six meetings over twelve weeks total. Mentorship groups are organised around the stage of the menteeā€™s research journey in order to provide appropriate levels of support and training.

If you are interested in joining Compass as a mentee, then please complete and submit the form below by Monday January 27th. If you have any questions, then please email

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