Post ICUR 2018 Survey
ICUR is an event that was conceived and developed in partnership with students in order to give undergraduates a real experience of presenting and disseminating their research on a global stage. We value student feedback in to all areas of the conference and are particularly interested in each undergraduate’s perception of themselves as a researcher and conference participant.
We are looking for ICUR presenters to take part in this post-conference survey as a follow-up to the pre-conference survey to help us to develop aspects of the conference that have the most potential to have a lasting impact on Warwick students. As such, unless a question is specifically related to your presentation, we would like your answers to relate to your entire experience at ICUR.
We are most grateful for all who are able to take the time to respond. Surveys are completed anonymously but will be linked by a self-generated usercode. No personal data will be stored by us and responses will be used for future development of the ICUR programme.
Before taking the survey, please generate a usercode. In order to generate a usercode you will need:
- First letter of your first name
- Date of birth
- First letter of the city/town you were born in
So, if your name is Jane and you were born on the 9th of May, in London, your self generated code would be: J9L.
Please input this usercode when answering the first question of the survey. This will help us to make your response anonymous and to better understand your ICUR experience.
If you have any questions or comments related to the survey, please contact Emma Barker e dot barker at warwick dot ac dot uk or Bo Kelestyn bo dot kelestyn at warwick dot ac dot uk.