ICUR 2020 Keynote
Wednesday 30th September 2020 - live stream 8.00 - 9.00 am UK time
Join via the ICUR App -
Interested in attending an international research conference in your first week at university? Want to hear from a popular science broadcaster and writer about how research can influence your life and career? Then start your Wednesday morning bright and early with The International Conference of Undergraduate Research keynote session.
ICUR runs each September at Warwick and with eleven partner institutions across four continents. As a Warwick student, you will have the chance to present your own research at this international student conference. ICUR provides a rigorous yet supportive forum for students to engage in global research dialogue, discuss ideas and receive feedback from their peers. Through ICUR undergraduates have the unique opportunity to experience an international conference without leaving their home campus and they participate in sessions with students at other institutions through the latest in high-definition digital video conferencing technologies.
Each year, ICUR hosts a keynote speaker. This year we are excited to welcome Helen Keen.
Helen is an award-winning performer and popular-science writer. In her BBC Radio 4 show about history and development of human spaceflight, "It is Rocket Science", Helen combines science with comedy. The critically-acclaimed show won the 2013 WISE Media Award and was nominated for 2015 Writers' Guild of Great Britain. During her career, she has hosted first live comedy night at CERN in Switzerland and was featured in a National Geographic series, StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson where she talked about making connections between pop culture and science. Her innovative approach to factual matters was recognised by WIRED magazine who appointed her as an Innovation Fellow.
The keynote is open to all Warwick students and staff and will be streamed live Wednesday 30th September 2020, from 8.00 - 9.00 am UK time. You can attend this online session via the ICUR App