"Widening Your Horizons" Learning Experiences
Welcome to our selection of on-demand learning experiences “Widening Your Horizons”.
These will give you the opportunity to start to explore interesting and relevant multi-faceted concepts, ideas, and topics that you will come across during your University life, both from an academic and experiential perspective. These sessions will hopefully generate an opportunity for reflecting and open up questions. The topics of these on-demand sessions are also widely explored as part of the IATL Undergraduate Modules which you will be able to take during your second and third year at Warwick, regardless of your disciplinary background as they are open as optional modules to ALL Warwick students.
“Widening your horizons - Be Well, Learn Well: why wellbeing is crucial for your academic life”
Dr Elena Riva, Associate Professor, Director of Studies, IATL
Wellbeing is certainly a 'buzz-word'. But what actually is 'wellbeing'? Why should you care about it? Why is it crucial to academic achievement and life beyond the university? What different disciplines have to say about it?
As part of this interactive session, you will start a journey to reflect on the complex, multi-faced nature of wellbeing, its key role in the upcoming years of your life at Warwick and you will explore useful tools for working on your own wellbeing.
Resources for further exploration of concepts linked to wellbeing explored in the video recording:
To learn more about the IATL Cross-faculty module “Understanding Wellbeing: Theory and Practice” click here
For any question and queries write to Elena at: e.riva@warwick.ac.uk
“Widening your horizons - Imagining Better”
Naomi de la Tour, Senior Teaching Fellow, IATL
How can we imagine a better world, and work together to make it happen, starting here at Warwick?
This taster session will give you an insight into the power and possibillities of interdisciplinary learning in relation to the imagination and change.
“Widening your horizons - Why does Identity matter at University?”
Dr Heather Meyer, Teaching Fellow, IATL
Identity is a theme that plays a crucial part in how we create, experience and give meaning to our world. It impacts our personal lives, and our educational and professional realities. This interactive taster session will introduce you to some of the key features that make Identity relevant to everyone. You’ll have the opportunity to reflect on your own fluid and complex identities while also learning about those from others. In particular, we will explore how the theme of Identity becomes relevant to your University experience.