Serious Tabletop Game Design
Serious games are increasingly used in education and employee training as an alternative to conservative or standardised approaches to learning. The principal aim of the module, therefore, is to engage students-as-creators in supporting them with the process of idealising, designing, developing, testing and delivering a serious game.
In this module, students are tasked with designing a serious game that is influenced by their Warwick degree. Students are assessed on the quality of their serious game, the supporting essay, and a serious game review that takes place earlier in the module.
Serious games have their own set of theories; learning theories, gaming theories, motivational theories and design theories, and therefore, the learning outcomes for this module are based largely upon the application of these principles. Furthermore, students are encouraged to base their creations on learning outcomes taken from their own degree.

Model Mayhem
by Sophie Emeny

The Genius Square
by Jayanti Popkin