What are the moral and ethical implications of cloning?

Lea Hamelin
About the project
I chose to make a collage, for people who are not scientists to visualize cloning, its history and its potential implications for future societies. By making people see and experience cloning by themselves, it raises their awareness, enhances their acknowledgment of the subject, and thus gives them more material to forge their opinion about clones. Since nowadays, cloning research is becoming more important, it is mandatory that people give their opinion about the use of these new scientific techniques.’
‘As a business student, I soon realized throughout this interdisciplinary module that my opinion often diverged from others (…). Since I could not understand nor see concrete scientific results of the biological experiences, I forged my opinion on what I know about the consequences of these new technologies and its potential effects on our societies. Therefore, I chose to destine my collage to non-scientists who do not understand biology and its advancements, because they do not have access to scientific results. As art is free of interpretation, my design gives a mature audience all sides of the cloning history (…).’
‘The aim of this collage is to show different aspects of the cloning research, starting from its discovery and the multiple experiments undertaken to put in application all the cloning theory, but also its potential positive and negative implications, the possible reactions people may have towards its advancements and how it is nowadays perceived and represented in art. In order to decline the different ideas chronologically and emphasize on what may happen down the inevitable slippery slope, the piece is shaped in a reversed-funnel form.’