Thinking Water
Assessment 1 Academic writing piece (i.e. essay or scientific article) up to 2000 words
The Thinking Water module uses a holistic approach to studying environmental and humanitarian challenges relating to water around the world. This module transcends disciplinary and geographic boundaries and, for their first assessment, students write an essay or article about a geographic or economic / social area that particularly interests them. Students identify and describe the water-related problems existing in this area, critically investigate them and suggest actions and solutions for responding to the identified issues. The Academic Piece should demonstrate clear understanding of the theoretical positions arising in the module and a critical approach to relevant primary and secondary material.
Assessment 2 Student Devised Assessment made up of a ‘Creative Piece’ and an ‘Accompanying Piece’ (up to 1500 words)
For Assessment 2, students will submit a Creative Piece in a medium of their choosing. The Creative Piece should display a critical reflection on theories of or issues surrounding water and water management in a unique and original manner. Students will also submit an Accompanying Piece which demonstrates how the Creative Piece engages with theories concerning the selected water issue/ water topic/ water research / water management question.
The assignments are weighted equally (50% each).

Water Crisis & Water Mafia's Rule in Karachi, Pakistan's Megacity
Durriah Niazi