Applied Imagination

Applied Imagination: Theory and Practice
An IATL interdisciplinary module
Module Code
IL005 Level 5 (Intermediate)
IL1105 Level 6 (Year 3/Finalist)
Autumn Term
Monday 12:00 - 14:00
R1.13 (Ramphal)
100% Student Devised Assessment
What is the module about?
What is 'imagination'? Can we measure it? When and how do you use your imagination? Do different disciplines engage and treat imagination differently? Is imagination important in academic studies, the working world, or wider life? What would it be like to not have an imagination? How could you get others to manifest their imaginative and creative thinking? This interdisciplinary module is grounded in critical pedagogy and designed to enable you to make connections between the 'imaginative' thinking and practice deployed within your own and other disciplines and to autonomously explore and develop your own theory of applied imagination by exploring the relationship between theories of creativity and creative practice. Our sessions will be interactive and co-created as we seek to better understand the role of imagination in our own lives, in knowledge and its creation, in wider society and making change.
What will the module cover?
The intention of this module is to encourage the interdisciplinary study of imagination, within scholarship and practice, to enable you to:
• Develop an understanding of key current theories and applications surrounding imagination and creativity
• Engage with ideas of how imagination can be applied to develop a unique approach to learning and knowledge
• Explore ways disseminate and communicate your work relating to applied imagination in both form and content

- Student Devised Assessment 100%
Learning Outcomes
See module catalogue [link to follow]
Consider showcasing and celebrating your work. See our Assessment Exhibition Link opens in a new windowfor inspiration!
How to register
Complete our online form to request your place.
Once IATL have confirmed you have been allocated a place, follow your home department's procedure to register.