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Request to take an IATL postgraduate module

  • Eligibility: all postgraduate students (PGT or PGR) are welcome to take IATL modules. However, PGR students should note that while they are warmly invited to audit these modules, they cannot currently take them for credit, and priority will be given in assigning places to PGT students who are taking the modules for credit.
  • Authorisation: you will need authorisation from your home department to take an IATL module. Please reply to the email acknowledgement you receive after completing this form, copying in your Personal Tutor, Director of Graduate Studies, or Departmental Administrator (as appropriate), and ask them to reply all with their authorisation. School of Life Science MSc students should not email their Director, Administrator or Tutor for authorisation. Home department authorisation for these students will be automatic if their choices match the Course Regulations for their course.
  • Allocation of places: places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. However, in the event of a module being oversubscribed, priority will be given to PGT students taking the module for credit over PGR students auditing the module.
  • Confirmation of your place: no module choices can be guaranteed until the autumn term.
  • Changing your mind: if you would like to make any changes to (or cancel) your request after submitting it, please email IATL dot modules at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Please sign in to automatically complete the grey boxes below

Type of study in year 2023-24 (required)
Please select the module(s) you want to take, specifying your required CATS weighting(s). You are welcome to choose some backup options in case we are not able to offer you your preferred choice(s).
Do you wish to take the module(s) for credit? (required)

Important: you cannot be allocated a place until we receive authorisation from your home department as described at the top of this page.
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The information you provide on this form will be used solely for the administration of IATL's modules.

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