Student Perspective
IATL actively engages students in the evaluation process of our modules through feedback, focus groups and surveys.
Discover the experiences of former students exploring their videos, blogs and testimonials below.
Video Testimonials
Nilusha Perera took the module Genetics: Science and Society in 2021 in the 2nd year of a Maths degree and vlogged about her experience 2020-21
Students Blogs
Three students have written blogs about their experiences with IATL.
- Vanshika Saxena writes about her take on our Design Thinking module
- Qurratuain Amir Ihsan reflects on her experiences of our Understanding Wellbeing module.
- Students from IATL's Science of Music module visited the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire last term as part of IATL's new collaboration with students and staff from the Conservatoire. Angel Addo writes about the experience.
Modules: An Introduction to Design Thinking Theory and Practice and Understanding Wellbeing Theory and Practice
Student Testimonials
'I wish more students had to opportunity to take classes with IATL. There is so much space to understand the world and ourselves within this world. my IATL module gave me a new appreciation of interdisciplinary studies that I wouldn’t have otherwise.'
Student on Global Connections 2022-23
‘You absolutely have to study with IATL! You get to meet so many different people, in different years and different departments. The content of the modules is refreshingly different and so relevant to real-world topics. On top of all that, the ethos of the department means that I really felt like I was appreciated and listened to, and all the staff have been incredibly kind and helpful’
Holly Warner - Applied Linguistics, Censorship and Society 2020-21 and Genetics: Science and Society 2019-20
What students say about our modules
Read Rhys Boxall-Roye's blog about Public Engagement
"This one of the best - if not the best - modules I have taken whilst being at Warwick. I feel like I have
developed critical thinking skills and learnt things that will have a real impact on how I live. I have had a
learning experience that I do not usually get from traditional modules. I would highly recommend this
module to students from all disciplines."
Student from Understanding Wellbeing 2022-23
Although the module was outside my department, it continually sought to connect
with my knowledge, experiences, and discipline. This gave a good balance of pitching in my existing
understanding and getting new understanding out of it. On the one hand, I was learning things outside
my comfort zone and academic sphere, which allowed me to bring new external perspectives to my
home department classes. On the other hand, this module made me feel like my perspective had value
by allowing me to contextualise my existing knowledge within the wider topics we discussed in class,
and vice versa.
Student from Global Connections 2022-23
“The fact that we discussed a different point of view on identity from different disciplines was absolutely amazing! Every week was a surprise and that is such a refreshing approach for a module that has ensured to keep it engaging all the way through!”
Student from Forms of Identity 2020-21
"I will tell my grandkids about this module!"
Student from Applied Imagination 2022-23
"This was my favourite module in my degree, and it really got me out of my comfort zone."
Student from The Slow Movement 2022-23
"I really enjoyed looking at different viewpoints and perspectives of mental illness other than a
biomedical perspective (my main discipline), such as psychiatric, narrative and social perspectives."
Student from Navigating Psychopathology 2022-23
“One thing that had most impact on my learning was the interdisciplinary aspect. During the group presentation, we conducted a survey which was unlike anything I have done before on my French and History degree. So I was able to delve into a science/research-based project which I have never experienced.”
"The outlook each student from different interdisciplinary had on the module was different which meant
we were able to engage with this module from several different perspectives."
Student from Entrepreneurship: A Critical Perspective 2022-23