How to present your manuscript
Manuscripts should be between 2000 and 5000 words in length, and written in English. All the authors of an article should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses on the cover page of manuscripts. Names or other identifying features should not appear on any other part of the manuscript.
An abstract of 100-200 words should be submitted with all articles. Authors should supply around six keywords for indexing and abstracting purposes.
Manuscripts must contain the following information in the correct order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgements; lists of illustrations, figures and maps (as appropriate); list of tables (as appropriate); appendices (as appropriate); endnotes; references.
Articles should be submitted in MS Word. Final manuscripts should be double spaced, with page margins of at least 2.5cm all round, and should be written in Arial font, size 11 point.
Headings should appear on separate lines. Do not use numbering. Up to three levels of headings may be used in the text if necessary. All headings should be left aligned. First-level headings: 11 pt Arial, roman, bold, sentence case. Second-level headings: 11 pt Arial, italic, sentence case. Third-level headings should be avoided where possible, but if they are absolutely necessary: 11 pt Arial, roman, underlined, sentence case.
All text should be left aligned. Endnotes (if needed) should be used in preference to footnotes. Reinvention's own variation of the Harvard style of referencing should be used: please see further details on the how to format your references page.
Content: Text
A single space (not a double) should be used after a full stop, comma, colon or semi-colon.
Spelling should conform to the new edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary. Use -ise, in preference to -ize as a verbal ending (e.g. realise, specialise, recognise, etc).
Use full stops after abbreviations (p.m., e.g., i.e., etc.) and after contractions where the end of the word is cut (p., ed., ch.); full stops are not required where the contraction ends in the same letter as the original word (Dr, vols).
Use single quotation marks for quoted material within the text; double quotation marks should only be used for quotes within quotes. Quotations of over forty words (or more than two lines of verse) should be extracted and indented and no quotation marks used.
In general, numbers up to ten should be spelled out, but use numerals for measurements (e.g. 6 km) and ages (e.g. 9 years old). Insert a comma for tens of thousands (e.g. 20,000), but not for numbers up to 9999.
Set out dates as follows: 9 July 1990 (no comma), on 8 July, or on the 8th; 1990s (not spelt out, no apostrophe); nineteenth century (not 19 century) and insert a hyphen when used adjectivally (e.g. nineteenth-century art).
Refer to your work as an 'article' (i.e. do not call it a paper, an essay, a dissertation, etc.).
Content: Non-textual material
Where possible, tables, graphs, maps, URLs and any other additions to the text should be inserted in the correct place in the text. Any additions to the text that cannot be contained within it, such as video clips, should be supplied separately with a note in the text to indicate where the resource should be located.
Insert your material in as format-free a way as possible. For example: end a line of text, insert a line-space, insert your picture, type a caption underneath it (in 11pt Arial as with the rest of the text), insert a line space and carry on with your text. Please:
- avoid anchoring anything to a fixed point on a page;
- use the same font for captions as the rest of the text of your article (11pt Arial);
- avoid using text boxes;
- avoid wrapping any text around images.
We are aware that you will want to make your article look as attractive as possible on the page. However, please remember that when your article is published, it will appear online. In order to upload it we have to remove most Microsoft Word formatting so the less formatting there is in your work, the better. Don't worry if this means that you have gaps on pages in Word where an image has had to be carried over to the next page because it is too big. It will appear correctly on the published webpage.
LaTeX is used for displaying equations within the journal. If you are familar with LaTex, it would be helpful if you could provide LaTeX markup in your Word submission, either alongside or in place of equations created using Word's own equation editor. You will be given the opportunity to check your article before publication to ensure the equations display correctly. If you are not familar with LaTeX, please just use Word's own equation editor.
Images should be in JPEG (or JPG) format. They should not be annotated within Word as any such annotations will not be preserved in the process of converting the Word document to a web page; any annotations should be made in image editing software before embedding the image in your Word document.
Please leave images at full size and do not compress them (resizing images within Word, provided you do not subsequently use the 'Compress Pictures' command, is fine as this will leave the original images intact within the file).
You should ensure that you have the necessary permission for reproducing photographs, maps, tables, etc. BEFORE you submit them as part of your article. A caption should be placed under each image stating what it depicts, followed by details of the source (e.g. 'Source: Alan Walker's collection of photographs'). At the end of your article you should include a list of illustrations together with source information, e.g. 'Photo reproduced by kind permission of Alan Walker'. Some copyright-holding institutions have a particular form of wording which you must use as part of the permission deal, in which case you must abide by this.
If a photograph is your own, you may of course publish it as you see fit, but you should include information which says 'from the author's own collection' or similar.
For audio we prefer .mp3 format; other formats will be converted to this before publication. Permission for use should be sought, and sources acknowledged, as noted above for images.
For video we prefer .mp4 format, with a width of between 640 and 720 pixels; other formats will be converted to this before publication. Permission for use should be sought, and sources acknowledged, as noted above for images.
Book Reviews
Book reviews should be written in 11pt Arial, double-spaced. Start with the citation details, in the format:
Author’s name (year of publication), Title in italics, place of publication, publisher
Any series to which the book belongs, number of pages.
ISBN for hardback and paperback editions (if applicable)
James G. McGann with Richard Sabatini (2011), Global Think Tanks: Policy Networks and Governance, Abingdon: Routledge
Global Institutions Series, 170pp.
ISBN: 978-0-415-77978-4 (hardback), 978-0-415-77979-1 (paperback)
Then write the text of your review in 600-800 words (if we have approached you to write a book review for us, we will send you additional guidance on what to include).
End with your name and affiliation.