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Information for Authors

The Editors would like to encourage students to make their work as interactive as possible and to include tables, diagrams and links to films, photographs and other websites where appropriate. Papers should be between 2000 and 5000 words in length, not including the abstract, bibliography and any appendices.

Papers will be published on the understanding that the material is original and has not been published or submitted for review elsewhere. All material, including footnotes, titles, tables, and quotations, must be prepared according to the style guide on this website and appropriate permissions must have been obtained to reproduce any copyrighted images or content.

Please note, essays will not be accepted for submission, all work must be in a suitable format for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and will also be rejected if it does not conform to the journal style guide. Papers may be based on work that has been produced for assessment during a student's degree but will only be considered if the assessment has been completed. For guidance on how to write for publication it may be helpful to consult the websites on our related links page.

Students wishing to discuss a possible submission should contact the Editor, Hannah Duffus hannah dot duffus at monash dot edu, Journal Coordinator, Fiona O'Brien F dot O-Brien at warwick dot ac dot uk or one of our Assistant Editors. Submissions should be made through the on-line submission form on this site.


Call for Papers

We are now accepting submissions for future issues, from Volume 12 Issue 2 which will be published in October 2019.

We welcome submissions from all undergraduate students in the UK or overseas and papers can be based in any subject or discipline as long as the author(s) are undergraduate students.*

We will also continue to publish collaborative papers.. These papers celebrate collaborative work between staff and students. If you have been involved in a joint staff-student project and / or have written a joint paper please submit it to us, clearly stating that it is collaborative work and we will consider it for publication. Please note the lead and corresponding author on collaborative pieces must be an undergraduate student.

*In order to ensure that only undergraduate work is published, but in order not to exclude work carried out for dissertation, submissions will be accepted up to 6 months beyond graduation.