Participatory Practice - How can I do it?

Student Co-CreatorsLink opens in a new window
IATL's Co-Creation Officer project brings students into the departmental team to collaborate closely with colleagues as 'expert co-creators'. Their role extends beyond mere participation, actively shaping and supporting departmental initiatives from a student perspective. If you would like to bring Co-Creation Officers into your department, contact IATL Link opens in a new windowto see how we can help.
Continuous Peer MentoringLink opens in a new window
IATL has worked with student teams to establish and support our student research activitiesLink opens in a new window for over a decade. To address the issue of losing knowledge, experience and skills when our student team members graduate, we have established a continuous peer mentoring approach. To learn more about how this approach promotes sustainability and encourages student ownership of projects contact Caroline Gibson or Emma Barker
Co-Creating within ModulesLink opens in a new window
IATL has developed the Understanding Wellbeing Link opens in a new windowmodule using a co-creation approach involving students and staff. Student input ensured the module's inclusivity and relevance, with students working with staff to shape the structure and content of the module as well as its podcast-based format. IATL also integrates co-creation principles into our assessment practices to foster active student participation and enhance learning outcomes. To find out more explore examples and case studies Link opens in a new windowto discover the benefits and challenges of co-creation in assessment or read more about our understanding wellbeing module in the Times Higher Education.Link opens in a new window
IATL Co-Creation OfficersLink opens in a new window
Are you interested in collaborating with IATL staff to help shape the department's initiatives?
Each year, IATL hires student Co-Creation Officers to work on various projects within the department and across the University. These officers also develop and support co-creation practices in diverse contexts, sharing their unique student perspectives.
To learn more, visit our IATL Co-creation pageLink opens in a new window and sign up to our mailing listLink opens in a new window to find out when vacancies are advertised.
Student ResearchLink opens in a new window
There are many opportunities to engage with IATL's student research activities.
You could become a Student Director for our International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) or an Editor for our undergraduate research journal, Reinvention. All our student research initiatives are co-created with students, ensuring your voice is integral to our work.
For more details on how to get involved, visit our websiteLink opens in a new window or sign up to our mailing listLink opens in a new window to receive updates on available opportunities.
Student Devised AssessmentsLink opens in a new window
Do you want flexibility, choice, and autonomy in how your work is assessed?
IATL's interdisciplinary modules offer student-devised assessments, empowering you to participate in the decision-making process regarding how your work is evaluated. This strong focus on student-centred learning ensures that everyone can negotiate their assessment methods and receive meaningful feedback.
Discover more about co-creation within IATL's assessment approachLink opens in a new window on our website.
Staff and students
IATL FundingLink opens in a new window
Co-creation between staff and students in IATL funded projects is strongly encouraged and leads to exciting and interesting collaborations. We work with staff and students to help you develop ideas and incorporate a range of co-creative methods in your work. To see some examples of projects recently supported by IATL that used a range of models of co-creation in a variety of settings visit our websiteLink opens in a new window.
PublicationsLink opens in a new window
IATL has published a suite of scholarly peer-reviewed papers and articles on global HE news magazines such as Times in Higher Education on its co-creation practices.
Explore our co-creation publicationsLink opens in a new window for more ideas and examples on how to embed co-creation in your work.
Resources to Support Co-CreationLink opens in a new window
IATL Co-creation Officers and staff have put together various infographics and reflectionsLink opens in a new window on co-creation. These resources address how co-creation can be implemented and promoted across a range of activities and address challenges faced during the co-creation process, how to overcome those challenges and tips for reflecting on your co-creative practice.