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Dr Ivana Milic

Supervisor Details

I Milic

Contact Details

Dr Ivana Milic

School of Biosciences, Aston University

In a few words: Student-centred development through training, demonstration, discussion and guidance.

Provision of Training

Training is essential for the development and scientific growth, and it will always be available and provided by the most appropriate colleague (myself, Post-Docs, other academics, facility managers, other PhD colleagues) and within the established guidance for the safe practice. As time progresses and you become more confident, you will be given an opportunity to train undergraduate and postgraduate students working on their projects within the team. In the early months of your PhD you will in parallel train your laboratory skills and go through literature review to familiarise yourself with the topic of your PhD research. As you become more experienced and confident with your time management, you will have more freedom to organise your work schedule according to the research needs whilst in-line with your other commitments.

Progression and Monitoring

Within the first months of your PhD I will be available on the daily basis and we can plan your timetable together in both formal and informal setting. We can set timetabled meetings to discuss progress and project management (usually weekly). We can include other academics in scheduled meeting if needed. In the early days, you will benefit from my scientific input, but as you evolve ad a researcher I expect you to take ownership of your research. This doesn’t mean that my support will become less available, rather than it will become more a discussion and collaboration between colleagues. I will always be there for support and additional guidance.


Work-Life balance is essential to your wellbeing and I will support you in trying to achieve this. Our communications will mostly be face to face, in person through an Open Door policy and through regular meetings. We use a TEAMs channel for routine communications within the group. I will be available and happy to provide additional support as required and within my means to secure your development as an early career scientist.

PhD Students can expect scheduled meetings with me:

In a group meeting

At least once a month

In year 1 of PhD Study

At least once a week

In year 2 of PhD Study

At least once a week

In year 3 of PhD Study

At least once a week

These meetings will be mainly face to face, and I am usually contactable for an instant response on every working day.

Working Pattern

Certain tasks in my lab need to occur at set times, and students need to be able to commit to a rota/timetable shared with other members of the team.

Notice Period for Feedback

I need at least 1 week’s notice to provide feedback on written work of up to 5000 words.

MIBTP Project Details

Previous Projects (2024-25)

Primary supervisor for:

Co-supervisor on projects with Professor Andrew Devitt and Dr Alan Goddard.

Previous Projects (2023-24)

Primary supervisor for: