
Chemistry News StandLink opens in a new window
Latest edition: November 2024Link opens in a new window
If you have a news item or event you would like included in the monthly newsletter or our internal calendar, please email

Departmental MeetingLink opens in a new window
Departmental Meetings are hosted termly by the Head of Department and the Steering Committee. All members of staff, plus PGR students and UG/PGT student representatives are invited to attend.
Next meeting: 7 May 2025, 14:15-16:00.

Email Distribution ListsLink opens in a new window
Listserv Lists enable Warwick Chemistry staff to circulate information to groups within the Department.

Publicity MaterialLink opens in a new window
Looking to promote your event, seminar, or news via the department's various communication channels? Find out howLink opens in a new window. If you require further guidance please email

Internal Room BookingLink opens in a new window
There are a number of rooms available in Chemistry buildings for staff to book for meetings and other activities. Please follow the guidelinesLink opens in a new window and contact to make a booking.

Tell us what you think of Chemistry's internal communicationsLink opens in a new window
We'd love to know what we are doing well and where we can make improvements.