Prof Chang-Tsun Li's application for delivering a tutorial on 'Device Fingerprinting and its Applications in Multimedia Forensics and Security' at 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo in London has been accepted.
December 2019
Prof Chang-Tsun Li attended Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Artificial Intelligence Cluster Event Research Executive Agency in Brussels and presented IDENTITY outcomes on 10 -11 Dec 2019. The event invited 37 MSCA Action projects to showcase the contribution of the projects to the relevant sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence research covering the themes of health, environment, and the digital world.
December 2019
Sandi Ravbar from XLAB disseminated IDENTITY project results to forensic institutions in over 40 countries, and to 25 federal states within Brazil, while on an IDENTITY secondment to partner Unicamps, Brazil.
November 2019
Prof Andreas Uhl gave an invited talk on 'State-of-the-Art in Vascular Biometrics: Upcoming Modalities and Challenges in Image Processing' at International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA'19)), 26-29 November, Istanbul, Turkey. IPTA is an annual international scientific meeting.
October 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed 'Le vrai visage de la reconnaissance faciale.' to Medi1radio (Morocco), 27 October.
October 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed 'En France, la reconnaissance faciale gagne du terrain à petits pas forcés' to France 24 (Web) 14 October
October 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed 'Quelle place laisser à la reconnaissance faciale?' to Le Soir (Web) Belgium, 3 October.
October 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed 'Reconnaissance faciale : Le grand malaise' to Science&Vie (Magazine), 1 October.
September 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed 'Reconnaissance faciale : Notre visage s’apprête-t-il à devenir notre pire ennemi?'
to the press, 23 September.
September 2019
Dr Victor Sanchez from Warwick delivered a tutorial on 'Automatic Detection of Abnormal Events in Surveillance Videos for Online Processing and Low-cost Devices' at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS) in Taipei, Taiwan on 21 Sep 2019.
September 2019
Prof Andreeas Uhl was the Programme Chair of the International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2019) 18-20 September, Darmstadt, Germany. BIOSIG is an annual scientific biometrics meeting, held in Darmstadt.
June 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay presented 'Malicious Facial Image Processing and Counter-Measures: A review' at
Journées Nationales 2019 du GDR Sécurité Informatique, June 2019, Paris.
June 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed to 'Reconnaissance faciale : SOURIEZ vous êtes fichés!' in ça m'interesse (Magazine) 1 June.
May 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay gave an invited lecture on 'Malevolent Schemes in Face Recognition Applications' at the 16th IAPR/IEEE International Summer school for advanced studies on biometrics: Biometrics and Forensic Science in the Deep Learning Era, Alghero, Italy from 27-31 May.
May 2019
The 16th IAPR/IEEE International Summer school for advanced studies on biometrics: Biometrics and Forensic Science in the Deep Learning Era was held in Alghero, Italy from 27-31 May.
May 2019
Dr Victor Sanchez from the University of Warwick gave an invited talk on "Combining the best of both worlds: binary feature descriptors and neural networks for video analytics" at Laboratorio de Automatización y Robótica, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Mexico on May 9th.
May 2019
The 7th IAPR/IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF 2019) was hosted by Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico (IPN) in Cancun, Mexico, on May 2-3, 2019.
April 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed to 'Reconnaissance faciale : la surveillance au coin de la rue', France Culture (Radio) 3 April.
March 2019
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay contributed to 'La reconnaissance faciale expérimentée au carnaval de Nice BRUT' (web media) 28 March.
November 2018
Prof Jean-Luc Dugelay was interviewed on 'Reconnaissance Faciale: Une Standardisation qui Soulève des Questions', par Nicholas Bressant, on 16 November.
November 2018
Prof Chang-Tsun Li gave an invited talk on Multimedia Forensics through Device Fingerprint Analysis, Investigation Bureau, Taiwanese Ministry of Justice, 21 Nov 2018
September 2018
Prof Andreas Uhl was the Programme Chair of International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2018) - 26-29 September, Darmstadt, Germany. BIOSIG is an annual scientific biometrics meeting, held in Darmstadt.
September 2018
Dr Jolanda Modic from XLAB gave a seminar on potential exploitation of IDENTITY results at partner SCUT, China, to students and researchers, one third of whom were female, while on a IDENTITY secondment to SCUT.
September 2018
Professor Massimo Tistarelli disseminated the research outcomes of IDENTITY at the 2018 EAB Research Projects Conference (EAB-RPC) 24-25 September 2018, in Darmstadt, Germany.
September 2018
Prof Andreas Uhl gave an invited lecture on 'State-of-the-Art In Finger- and Handvein Recognition' at G+D Biometric ThinkTank, Munich, Germany. Giesecke & Devrient is a large German company specialising in security. The aim of this talk was to give a broad overview on recent hand-based vascular biometrics.
August 2018
Prof Chang-Tsun Li gave a Keynote Speech on “Applications of Multimedia Forensics in Law Enforcement,” at the 7th IAPR International Workshop on Computational Forensics, August 20, 2018 - Beijing, China in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018).
July 2018
Prof Chang-Tsun Li gave an invited tutorial on "Multimedia Forensics and Security through Provenance Inference," at the 2018 IEEE SPS Summer School on Visual Image Search and Visual Analytics (VISVA2018), Singapore, 9-11 July, 2018.
June 2018
Prof Massimo Tistarelli gave an invited lecture on face recognition at the 15th IAPR/Eurasip International Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication: Assuring Trustworthiness of Biometrics, Alghero, Italy - June, 11-15 2018
June 2018
Prof Chang-Tsun Li gave an invited lecture on Multimedia Forensics at the15th IAPR/Eurasip International Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication: Assuring Trustworthiness of Biometrics, Alghero, Italy - June, 11-15 2018
June 2018
The 15th IAPR/EURASIP International Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication: Assuring Trustworthiness of Biometrics was held in Alghero, Italy, from 11-15 June 2018.
June 2018
The 6th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics was held at Sassari, Italy, from 7-8 June 2018. For more information visit IWBF 2018.
June 2018
Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 5th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics has been successfully completed in April 2018. This special issue consists of 6 extended papers selected from 8 nominated papers presented IWBF 2017 after a rigorous peer review process.
February 2018
Dejan Štepec from XLAB gave an invited talk on collaborative research projects to the Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab at PLUS, while on an IDENTITY secondment.
February 2018
Prof Chang-Tsun Li gave an invited talk on "Provenance inference for multimedia forensics and security," Data61 and DST Group – Cyber Summer School, Melbourne, Australia, 12-13 February, 2018
December 2017
Prof Andreas Uhl, from PLUS, published a Journal Special Issue: Pattern Recognition Letters special issue on 'Integrating Biometrics on Forensics'.
December 2017
Prof Andreas Uhl from PLUS, gave an invited talk on 'How does Human Ageing affect Biometric Recognition?' at the 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017), 4-6 December, Salzburg, Austria. MoMM is a medium sized conference on multimedia techniques and application with emphasis on mobile computing.
November 2017
Prof Andreas Uhl from PLUS, gave an invited talk on 'How does Human Ageing affect Biometric Recognition?' at NTU in Singapore, during his secondment at NTU, with IDENTITY.
October 2017
The Consortium has successfully solicited 6 quality papers for the Special Session on Linking Biometrics with Forensic Science as part of the 2017 IAPR/IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics to be held from 1 -4 October 2017 in Denver, Colorado, USA
October 2017
Professor Ling Wang and Professor Jean-Luc Dugelay of the IDENTITY consortium contributed to the organisation of IJCB 2017: International Joint Conference on Biometrics, October 1 - 4, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA. Professor Chang-Tsun Li, Professor Andreas Uhl and Professor Massimo Tistarelli of the consortium organised an IJCB Special Session on 'Linking Biometrics with Forensic Science' to disseminate the research outcomes of the IDENTITY project and to support IJCB.
September 2017
Prof Andreas Uhl, from PLUS, was the Program Chair of International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2017), 20-22 September in Darmstadt, Germany. BIOSIG is an annual scientific biometrics meeting, main audience is from Europe, around 100 participants, held in Darmstadt.
August 2017
Prof Andreas Uhl, from PLUS, was the Co-organiser of a Special Session on 'Biometrics and Privacy Protection' at the 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), 28 August - 2 September, on Kos, Greece. EUSICPO is the major European Conference on all aspects of Signal Processing with a few hundred participants per year.
June 2017
The 2017 international summer school on biometrics has been held on June 12th to 16th 2017 in Alghero, Italy. This was the 14th edition of a strongly established training course started in 2003 to promote knowledge dissemination and research in biometrics and related fields. The school was technically co-sponsored by Eurasip, IAPR and IEEE and co-organized by the EU RISE project IDENTITY.
The school main theme was related to the application of multimodal biometric systems in forensic and security applications, but with a specific attention to mobile applications. The school particularly addressed the impact of biometric technologies in criminal investigations and the algorithmic solutions to facilitate the integration of biometrics in operational scenarios.
33 participants attended the school lectures. The class was formed by students coming from different universities, industries and research centres from 19 different countries.
This year’s students demonstrated a strong interest in the application of biometrics to forensic cases as well to other scenarios. Most of them are either working directly in the design of biometric systems, or pursuing high-level scientific research in the field.
Nine participants were supported by a grant from the IDENTITY project.
For more information on the biometrics summer school contact Massimo Tistarelli, University of Sassari,
April 2017
The consortium organised the well received 5th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, held at The University of Warwick, 4-5 April 2017, with guest speakers Arun Ross of Michigan State University and Mauro Barni of the University of Siena. Details can be found at
November 2016
Professor Chang-Tsun Li, from the University of Warwick, was invited to discuss his experience in developing a source-oriented image clustering method for integration into INTERPOL’s International Child Sexual Exploitation Image Database (ICSE DB) at the 34th Meeting of the INTERPOL Specialists Group on Crimes against Children, Lyon, France, 14-18 November, 2016. The meeting was attended by more than 200 delegates from the law enforcement community around the world.
October 2016
On October 11, from 12-1, at the Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Pep Lluis de la Rosa i Esteva from SCM, Girona, will be conducting a seminar on 'The distributed ledger technology that started with bitcoin is rapidly becoming a crowd sourced system for all types of verification. Could it replace notary publics, manual vote recounts, and the way banks manage transactions? It will explore an application of block chain to help the IDENTITY project in general.'
September 2016
Prof. Andreas Uhl, from PLUS, was Program Chair of International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2016) 21-23 September. BIOSIG is an annual scientific biometrics meeting, main audience is from Europe, around 100 participants, held in Darmstadt, Germany.
September 2016
Professor Massimo Tistarelli of Sassari chaired a well received special session on Biometrics and Multimedia Forensics for BTAS 2016 ( at Niagara Falls, Buffalo, US from 6-9 September 2016. Two of the papers presented at the special session received the Best Paper Awards (out of 4 best papers from all sessions of the conference).
September 2016
Professor Chang-Tsun Li, from the University of Warwick, delivered a keynote speech on Multimedia Forensics: Source Inference from Uncertainty and Enormity. He also contributed as a panelist to the panel discussion chaired by Professor Yun-Qing Shi (NJIT) at IWDW 2016 in Beijing, China on 19 September 2016.
June 2016
The annual Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication took place 20-24 June in Alghero, Italy. In its 13th year, it closely follows the developments in science and technology to offer a cutting edge, intensive training course, always up to date with the current state-of-the-art.
June 2016
Professor Chang-Tsun Li, from the University of Warwick, acted as Expert Witness in June 2016 to analyse a set of voyeuristic video sets for Guildford Crown Court (UK). By using his multimedia forensics expertise he proved the defendant guilty, which the defendant admitted and was given a 10 months’ imprisonment sentence.
June 2016
Professor Massimo Tistarelli of Sassari chaired a well attended Panel Session on Relation/Implications of Forensic Biometrics and Multimedia Forensics for ICB 2016 in Sweden. Four panelists Chang-Tsun Li (University of Warwick), James Loudermilk (FBI Science & Technology), Didier Meuwly (Netherlands Forensic Institute & University of Twente) and Massimo Tistarelli contributed their views in response to the audiences' questions and comments from various aspects of the panel theme.
January 2016
The kickoff meeting for the IDENTITY project was held at the University of Warwick on 30 January 2016 and included representatives from all of the international partners involved.