Arduinos: arduino_analog_sensor_pinNumber = @; arduino_digital_sensor_pinNumber = @; pinNumber is the number of analog / digital input pin. The value of the observable is automatically updated when the input pin value is changed in the Arduino. actuator observables are lists with pin number / pin value pairs: arduino_digital_someIdentifier is [pinNumber, pinValue]; pinValue either 1 or 0 for high and low arduino_analog_someIdentifier is [pinNumber, pinValue]; pinValue from 0 to 255 (PWM) someIdentifier can be anything arduino_servo_someIdentifier is [value]; hard coded to pin 9 arduino_dc_identifier is [PWMPinNumber, PWMValue, digitalPinOne, digitalValue, digitalPinTwo, digitalValue]; arduino_regulated_identifier is [PWMPinNumber, PWMValue, digitalPin, digitalValue]; When using the actuators, the plug-in listens to all changes of observables with arduino prefix so they can be used in for example like: arduino_analog_sensor_5 = @; ## bind observable to analog port 5 reverseMotorOne = 1; reverseMotorTwo = 1; arduino_regulated_motorOne is [5, 255, 4, reverseMotorOne]; arduino_regulated_motorTwo is [6, 255, 5, reverseMotorTwo]; when (trigger) { if (arduino_analog_sensor_5 >= 165) { reverseMotorOne = 0; reverseMotorTwo = 0; wait 1000; reverseMotorOne = 1; wait 800; reverseMotorTwo = 1; } wait 200; trigger++; } trigger = 1;