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Infrastructure or Education; which should come first? Whose problem is it anyway?

For education: Midlands Coordinator Save the Children, student representative from Warwick in Africa.
For Infrastructure: CEO of Engineers Without Borders UK, student representative from Hicro-Hydro Scheme in Uganda.

The debate will begin with opening speeches from the panel followed by an open discussion to the floor. The chairman for the debate is the secretary of the Debating Society and there will be representatives from development related societies on campus including Amnesty, WIDS, Oxfam and UNICEF.

So whether you're vocal and overflowing with opinions or just interested in listening to what's really happening out there this is a great event to go to. Come and join the debate or watch as the discussion unfolds!

Date: Thursday 10th November,
Time: 6-7pm with networking afterwards
Place: S0.21

Mon 07 Nov 2011, 15:06 | Tags: EWB

Wind Empowerment Talk - 1PDR point

Wind Empowerment is an association of organisations that are using home built wind turbines for rural electrification projects in developing countries all around the world.

They want EWB-Warwick to get involved through Outreach programs and have suggested putting together a group to fundraise and then travel to a Wind Empowerment member organisation abroad to build and/or install a wind turbine for a rural electrification project.

The event on Facebook:

Here's their webpage:

Wed 02 Nov 2011, 13:46 | Tags: EWB

Warwick does Hydro in Uganda

Over the Summer 7 students from the University of Warwick designed and built a micro-hydro scheme to provide electricity to over 100 households in a remote village in Uganda.

Mon 10 Oct 2011, 15:36 | Tags: EWB

Fresher’s Taster Session

EWB kicks off the year with a massive first workshop event this Saturday 8th Oct. Come along to construct a Geo-Dome structure and batteries from aluminium cans. We will also be taking a trip the EWB wind turbine. Afterwards we will be heading to the Terrace bar for a drink and a chance to meet your Exec and other members.

Meet 2pm at the piazza.

See you there!

Thu 06 Oct 2011, 17:59 | Tags: EWB

Welcome Back!

A very warm welcome from all of us here at Warwick Engineers, both to those freshers just joining the department and returning students. We've got loads planned for this year, so now is the perfect time to join us!

Wed 28 Sep 2011, 16:39 | Tags: EngSoc

EWB-Birmingham’s National Training Weekend

Engineers Without Borders are going to EWB-Birmingham’s National Training Weekend! The trip runs from the evening of Friday 17th June through to Sunday Afternoon (19th June) and features workshops & presentations on energy services and technology in development. Including speakers from Practical Action, Household Energy Network and an improved cook stove design and build workshop.
For more information and to buy your ticket please see:

The cost of the trip is £16 which includes accommodation in Birmingham Central Backpackers and breakfast. We will be meeting to get the train together on the Friday afternoon so once you’ve bought your say you’re attending on the facebook event ( so we can see how many people are coming and can let you know meeting arrangements.

Thu 19 May 2011, 12:11 | Tags: EWB

EWB Trip to the Centre for Alternative Technology

After the long drive to mid wales, near the town of Machynlleth, EWB-Warwick arrived at the hilly region of the Dyfi Valley, location of the Centre for Alternative Technology. The eco centre focuses on the education and presentation of practical solutions to sustainability problems.

Sat 14 May 2011, 16:33 | Tags: EWB

Year 2 Options Talk for First Years

Hey all, the Engineering Society will be in the new common room at 6pm on Thursday evening so that first years can chat with second years about their module choices for next year. This is an opportunity that as a second year I really wished I'd had, so hopefully it'll be a great opportunity!

On a related note we still need representatives from languages so if any 2nd years who did languages as an option this year are free, we'd appreciate you coming and helping out!

The evening should last an hour or so, so feel free to pop in any time between 6pm and 7pm!

Tue 10 May 2011, 14:08 | Tags: EngSoc

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