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Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) in Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematical Sciences Building

The Mathematics Institute and Statistics Department share a culture of research crossing boundaries within the mathematical sciences and reaching out to other disciplines.

CDT Environments for the Mathematical Sciences

Unlike many Centres for Doctoral Training, the Warwick CDTs in Mathematics and Statistics are not dedicated to a single topic, but covers the range of research interests in both departments. Our vision is to create a thorough training environment in mathematical sciences, spanning theoretical, methodological, and applied areas.

The CDT environments provide training to a cohort of PhD students across the mathematical sciences in addition to the specialized work of the PhD project under the supervision of individual faculty members.

A Four Year Programme

Both CDTs offer studentships that are funded for four years.

The first year includes a taught course component as students get to know the department, develop relationships with potential supervisors, and deepen their knowledge in areas of mathematics and statistics relevant to their research interests.

Training in the first year includes:

  • A broad range of PhD-level modules.
  • Each department has strong links with and offer students the opportunity to participate in graduate taught course networks:
    • The Taught Course Centre, a collaboration between the Mathematics Departments at the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Imperial, Oxford, and Warwick.
    • The Academy for PhD Training in Statistics, a collaboration between major UK statistics research groups to organise courses for first-year PhD students in statistics and applied probability nationally.
  • Training in transferable skills, including a module dedicated to communicating to a broad mathematical audience.

Following successful completion of the taught component, and the completion of an individual mini-project, students upgrade from MPhil to PhD and the remaining time is focussed on the PhD project.

CDT students continue to participate in ongoing cohort activities throughout the four year programme, including:

  • CDT seminars. Students give short talks presenting their research to a broad audience from Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Group lunches allowing students to interact in an informal setting and give informal presentations to stimulate discussion across the departments.
  • Skills workshops to discuss options, preparation of CVs, and application strategy for future employment.

How to Apply

Application should be made to the department that you are interested in. Please refer to the respective department webpages

Mathematics Statistics
CDT in MathematicsLink opens in a new window CDT in StatisticsLink opens in a new window

Applications to the CDTs are separate and managed by each department.

Applications are made via the University of Warwick Online Application Portal. Please read the Postgraduate step by step guide for help with the application process.

To be considered for a CDT studentship, select the "Studentship" box in the "Finance" section of your PhD application form and then put Studentship CDT.