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Meet physicist Connor, a PhD student at the University of Warwick, who was first introduced to computational physics at AWE

Connor Allen (one of our HetSys students from Cohort 2) shares his views on Computational Physics, his involvement with AWE and the importance of encouraging young people into STEM. Read the full article here.


Wed 18 Oct 2023, 15:14 | Tags: STEM, Careers

The current landscape for women in computational materials research

Dr. Livia Bartok-Partay, a member of HetSys' management and core team, and two colleagues have had their thought provoking analysis of the current participation of women in computational materials science published as an article in the journal npj computational materials.

You can read the article online here.

You can read more about Livia's work here.

Mon 05 Jun 2023, 09:31 | Tags: Women in STEM

HetSys presence at M3S conference

The M3S conference, which focused on multiscale modelling of materials and surfaces, took place at the picturesque Langdale hotel in the Lake District. The event was attended by the research groups of James Kermode (University of Warwick), Reinhard Maurer (University of Warwick) and Andrew Logsdail (University of Cardiff). HetSys student attendees Lakshmi Shenoy, Iain Best and Joe Gilkes (Cohort 2), Matt Nutter, Tom Rocke and Dylan Morgan (Cohort 3) and Fraser Birks (Cohort 4) were joined by other members of the three research groups plus invited speakers Cas van der Oord (Cambridge), Michaela Matta (KCL) and Lucas Foppa (NOMAD laboratory).

Thu 04 May 2023, 14:23

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