************************************************* TERMS AND CONDITIONS ************************************************* 1. I, Robin Visser, agree to pay 100 GBP to any person who sends me a pair of polynomials (f(x), h(x)) with integer coefficients, which satisfy the following three conditions: i) The curve C/Q defined by the Weierstrass equation y^2 + h(x)*y = f(x) is a smooth, projective, geometrically integral genus 2 curve over Q (the rational field). ii) The Jacobian of C/Q has good reduction at every odd rational prime p. iii) For each polynomial g(x) in the attached file genus2_good2.txt, the curve C/Q is not isomorphic over Q to the genus 2 curve defined by the Weierstrass equation y^2 = g(x). 2. Any submission should be sent to my Warwick email address: robin.visser@warwick.ac.uk 3. Payment will only be provided on receipt of an explicit pair of polynomials (f(x), h(x)) and not for a general construction or method from which such a pair may or may not implicitly be obtained. 4. Payment will not be given for any non-constructive proof that such a curve exists, as such a proof may require verifying many cumbersome calculations and/or computations, which I may not have the time for. 5. Similarly, payment will not be given for a proof that no such curve exists, as again such a proof may require verifying numerous computations/calculations. 6. If the curve C/Q you provide has very large discriminant, I reserve the right to ask for a fully prime-factorised form of the discriminant. 7. This offer can only be claimed at most once! 8. This offer expires either on 31 December 2024, or when a new genus 2 curve has been found, whichever comes first.