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Opportunity for Graduate Students and Young Scholars

Trainees and young researchers are invited to participate in a five-day working conference and summer school on the ethical issues posed by randomised trials in development economics and health policy, to be held on 20-24 June 2016 at Brocher Foundation villa in Hermance, Switzerland.

The conference offers trainees and younger scholars in development economics, global health, ethics and related fields and areas of practice an opportunity to participate in five full days of debate and discussion with leading scholars including Angus Deaton (Princeton; this year’s Nobel Laureate in Economics), Michael Marmot (UCL; current President, World Medical Association), Josh Angrist (MIT), Adam Wagstaff (World Bank), Tyler Cowen (George Mason University), Will MacAskill (University of Oxford), Nancy Cartwright (Durham), and many others.

The application deadline is 11 March 2016. Please visit: for more information, or contact Dr Huitfeldt, at for remaining questions.

Tue 01 Mar 2016, 14:32