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Latest News from the CLAHRC WM and Beyond

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New BITE on Home Dialysis published

Read our new BITE: 'Taking hospital treatments home: A mixed methods case study looking at the barriers and success factors for home dialysis treatment and the influence of a target on uptake rates'.

Tue 05 Jan 2016, 10:11

Feedback and Advice on Research

The Quality Improvement Research Network are accepting proposals for presentations of research for independent feedback and advice from an international group of experts at their annual meeting on 18-19 April 2016. Any researcher can present (though priority is given to PhD researchers) to get feedback on their plans, current research or material for publication and how to publish.


Wed 09 Dec 2015, 13:11

Provider Trust of the Year

Congratulations to CLAHRC WM Partner Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust who have been named Provider Trust of the Year by the Health Service Journal. Read more online.

Wed 09 Dec 2015, 13:10

Monash-Warwick Alliance (MWA) Healthcare Improvement Science: Opportunities for CLAHRC WM

The University of Warwick has formed a formal partnership with Monash University, Australia, with funding for collaborative research and education across the two institutions. Professor Graeme Currie (Warwick Business School) and Professor Helena Teede (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University) have led the development of a successful bid for multi-million pound funding from MWA to support a research and education initiative in healthcare improvement science.

Wed 09 Dec 2015, 13:09

Feedback from Postgraduate and Early Career Research workshop

Doctoral and postgraduate students supported and funded by CLAHRC West Midlands participated in an event to explore career opportunities and to think about how CLAHRC WM can enhance a shared learning experience. The event was led by Postgraduate Training Lead Prof Tom Marshall, who kicked off the afternoon with a presentation on the opportunities and support available through the CLAHRC WM.

Wed 09 Dec 2015, 13:08

World Research Making a Difference

In case any readers have yet to see this, we urge you to read the recent NIHR CLAHRC document "World Research Making a Difference", which demonstrates the impact of the applied health research activity undertaken by the national CLAHRC initiatives. Feedback from the NIHR/DH has been extremely positive, and it has been well received globally, with encouraging feedback from academics as far afield as Australia.

Tue 03 Nov 2015, 16:19

Editorial on TRaCKED Study

Work by CLAHRC WM researchers on test result communication in primary care has been the focus of a recent editorial in the BMJ Quality and Safety. This is the second editorial on their work – the previous one can also be found online.

Tue 03 Nov 2015, 16:19

Do Robots Feature in the Future of Medicine?

CLAHRC WM Director Richard Lilford was recently interviewed by The Telegraph on the future of medicine and the role of artificial intelligence in medicine. It can be viewed online here.

Tue 03 Nov 2015, 16:18

UHBFT Staff: 'Big Data' Competition

Do you work at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and have a great research proposal for using 'big data' in healthcare? Let us know!

Mon 07 Sep 2015, 15:00

NIHR OK to Ask 2015 Campaign Feedback

The NIHR is looking for feedback on the recent OK to Ask campaign, which aimed to encourage more patients, carers and health volunteers to ask about research opportunities.

Fri 28 Aug 2015, 13:52

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