Joint Advisory Board
The RCN Research Institute Joint Advisory Board (JAB) has the following objectives and aims:
1. To advise the University, the Royal College of Nursing and the Director RCN RI on strategic planning and direction.
2. To advise on the academic plans of the RCN RI, including scope and range.
3. To review objectives and progress against objectives.
4. To monitor the strategic alliance agreement between University of Warwick and the Royal College of Nursing, and discuss and recommend any variations and developments.
5. To ensure sound financial governance of RCN RI by receiving and commenting on financial statements.
6. To receive and review an Annual Report.
7. To monitor the quality of PhD student experience.
Membership of Joint Advisory Board consists of the following:
1. Two members from University of Warwick.
2. Two staff members from the Royal College of Nursing.
3. Two members of the Royal College of Nursing, to be appointed by the RCN Nursing Practice and Policy Committee.
4. Two external members with expertise in directing research centres
5. Two user/patient members.
6. Two members working in health care.
7. Director of RCN RI.
8. Head of the Health Sciences Division or nominee.
9. One staff member from RCN RI.
Additional members can be co-opted to provide specialist advice as agreed upon by the University, the RCN and the RCN RI.
The Joint Advisory Board will be supported administratively by the PA to the Director RCN RI.
The latest RCNRI Annual Report for 2016 can be found here