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Supervisory Ward Sister Study II - A survey to provide baseline activity in relation to ward sister/charge nurse supervisory roles

Funder: NHS England 

Start Date 31st March 2015 End date 31st October 2015

PI: Kate Seers

Collaborators: Sophie Staniszewska, Liz Tutton, Linda Watterson, Lynne Currie.

Description: The aim of the study is to understand the activities that take place as part of supervisory roles for ward sisters/charge nurses. Whilst policy agenda’s promote supervisory practice and leadership through the ward sister role, less is known about the nature and extent of its implementation. This study therefore aims to find out how supervisory roles are working, what is considered important, what the benefits and challenges are, and whether there are any indications of improvement in patient care because of supervisory roles. To do this, we will contact senior nurses such as Chief Nurses or Directors of Nursing Services in England, who have responsibility for providing high quality care, and ask them to take part in a survey of activity. This evidence will be reported to the NHS England and will help to inform policy and practice in the future.

Progress: The survey is completed and analysis is in progress.

Fri 16 Oct 2015, 13:50 | Tags: RCN

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