Warwick AccommodationLink opens in a new window include detailed information about accommodation during your time at Warwick for the 2024/25 academic year. There is a separate webpage for MBChB Medical School 2024/2025 AccommodationLink opens in a new window which holds detailed guidance on accommodation for you. This should be the best place to start looking for accommodation.
This webpage includes information about the campus options available to you and also has useful FAQs which include information about how to apply, the eligibility criteria, what happens after you book a room on campus, parking on campus and more.
Please note that to book a room on campus you must have an Unconditional Firm Offer (UF). If you book a room before having UF student status your booking will be cancelled. Accommodation is offered on a first-come first-served basis to eligible students.
You will hear more about accommodation on the Offer holder day (28.06.2024) from both the Accommodation Team as well as current students!
University accommodation
- Warwick Accommodation manages and owns our campus residences. Students can choose to book a room and live on campus, subject to availability. MBChB students who book a room on campus are allocated to Tocil ResidencesLink opens in a new window.
- Rooms on campus in Tocil Residences are currently fully allocated - advise to check booking portal for live availability as rooms may become available in August/September due to cancellations
Private accommodation
If rooms in Tocil become fully allocated, you'll need to look for private accommodation off campusLink opens in a new window. Whilst you can conduct your own search for accommodation, the University offers an exclusive property search platform,Warwick StudentpadLink opens in a new window to help you search for properties if you need a helping hand. You'll need a 'UF' offer of study to start searching through Warwick Studentpad.
We would also recommend seeking private accommodation advice and guidance from the Students' Union Advice CentreLink opens in a new window before signging a contract to ensure you stay safe and avoid private accommodation scamsLink opens in a new window..
- SpareRoom is a website for searching rooms and flatmates across the UK.
Warwick Muslims Medics Society
The society aims to create a space for all Muslims based at Warwick Medical School to network and it organises social events that are conducive to the beliefs of its members.
Muslim students can find accommodation and peer support, by joining one of our WhatsApp groups:
- Brothers group - available soon