RMD Outreach
RMD Warwick
June 2023: Winner of the WMS Extracurricular Awards - Outreach & Charitable Award
Upcoming Community Outreach Events
WMS Open Days Saturday 17th June & Saturday 24th June 2023
Look out for some of our fabulous committee and teachers delvivering a BLS/AED drop in session on the WMS open days
Previous Community Outreach Events
February 2023
Working with Kenilworth Heart safe, we offered a commuinty outreach session in Kenilworth educating members of the public on CPR and AED awareness.
October 2022
We held an event at Old Leamingtonians Rugby Club for the Restart A Heart 2022 campaign
October 2021
We held three events for the Restart A Heart 2021 campaign, a Resuscitation Council UK initiative to introduce the public to CPR and AED use and increase awareness of how immediate action can save lives. We teamed up with Warwick First Aid SocietyLink opens in a new window delivering two events on campus for Staff and Students and one at Cannon Park open to the public aimed at providing a space to learn CPR and AED. These events were developed with the support of Warwick Community Values Education Programme (CVEP)Link opens in a new window.
March 2020
- Prior to the pandemic, we'd planned to participated in a unique CPR/AED community teaching opportunity at the British Science Museum during their Science Museum Lates: Space event, organised by UK Space Labs and the Space Generation Advisory Council. It is hoped that this will be rearranged at a later date.
- We visited Our Lady's Catholic Primary School in Princethorpe for "Emergency Services" day with the West Midlands Care Team. Our instructors helped teach reception through to year 6 students basic CPR and awareness of bystander BLS.
Thank you so much to @wmcareteam @warkspolice @WarksFireRescue for making this morning so special for our children! #lifesavingskills #twohandssavealife #community pic.twitter.com/gqeEP2wRvx
— OurLadysPrincethorpe (@OurPrincethorpe) March 3, 2020
October 2019
- We visited Kenilworth School for “Restart a Heart” day. Our instructors, along with volunteers, taught approximately 300 Year 7 students basic CPR.