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MOAC Seminars 2010-2011

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Wed 5 Mar, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Sebastien Perrier (UOW) - Macromolecules Synthesis - Can Nature be replicated by a Synthetic process?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 7 May, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Hashem Koohy (Cambridge) - An integrative approach to how nuclear organisation influences V(D)J recombination in B-cells
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 14 May, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Neil Toussaint (IBM) - Title - tba
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 21 May, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Simon Spencer (UOW) - Statistical inference for protein signalling networks
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 28 May, '14
Wed 4 Jun, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Kevin Moffat (UOW) - Title tba
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 11 Jun, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Julia Brettschneider (UOW) - Stats meets wet lab: turning data into knowledge
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 18 Jun, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Chris Oates (UOW) - Causal inference - What is it & why is it important?
MOAC Seminar Room
Fri 19 Sept, '14
PhD Viva talk - Vince Hall - Machine learning for protein structures from circular dichroism
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 8 Oct, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Hugo van den Berg - Receptor kinetics in the immune system.
Systems Biology WSB 325
Wed 15 Oct, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Stephen Royle (WMS) - Clathrin-mediated endocytosis and the cell cycle
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 22 Oct, '14
MOAC DTC Seminar - Daniel Mitchell, WMS - Advanced Materials and the Immune System – Are Sugar Polymers the Icing on the Cake?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 29 Oct, '14
MAS DTC Seminar - Dr Jo Rhodes (Imperial) - March of the fungi - a new threat to health and ecosystems
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 5 Nov, '14
MAS DTC Seminar - Patrick Unwin (UOW) - Electro-chemistry: from bodies to single molecules
MOAC Common Room
Wed 12 Nov, '14
MAS CDT Seminar - Steven Brown (UOW) - Solid-State NMR
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 19 Nov, '14
MAS CDT Seminar - Jan Eijkel (Twente Uni) - Small is powerful
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 26 Nov, '14
MAS DTC Seminar - Alison Rodger (UOW) - Gender as a variable in Academia cause, correlation, or consequence?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 14 Jan, '15
MAS DTC Seminar - James Covington (UOW) - What if Dr McCoy’s Tri-corder used smell?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 21 Jan, '15
MOAC Common Room
Wed 28 Jan, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Kasra Razmkhah (UOW) - Polarised spectroscopy and its applications
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 4 Feb, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Matthew Gibson (UOW) - Extremophile-inspired chemistry and medicine can we improve cryopreservation?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 11 Feb, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Mark Rodger (UOW) - From nanoscale to macroscale: same language, different meanings?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 25 Feb, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Joanna Collingwood (Engineering, UOW) - Shining light on metals in the brain, what can we learn?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 4 Mar, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Neil Wilson (UOW) - The challenges of nanoscale analysis of soft materials
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 11 Mar, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Vasilios Stavros (UOW) - Photo-protection: Time is of the essence
Wed 29 Apr, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Kirsty Wan (Cambridge) - Powers of Two
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 6 May, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Nick Waterfield (WMS) - From insect to man - The origin of human pathogens
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 20 May, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - David Roper (SLS, UOW) - Title tba
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 3 Jun, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Ann Dixon (UOW) - Membrane proteins by any means necessary
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 17 Jun, '15
MAS-CDT Seminar - Claudia Blindauer (Chemistry, UOW) - Multinuclear NMR and MS for metallo-proteins
MOAC Seminar Room
