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MOAC Seminars 2009-2010

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Wed 18 Jan, '12
Instead of a DTC seminar - for MOAC students only. Open entry for more info.
MOAC Seminar Room

A number of years ago we had some nice thematic slides prepared for The MOAC research agenda. I have just submitted a Marie Curie Initial Training Network proposal that requires out web-site house to be in order. So, on Wednesday, when we don’t have a seminar speaker, what I am hoping we can accomplish is to update the attached presentation which must be the 5 years old.

You all need to get into groups of say 6-7 people with a scientific theme and create 2 or maybe three powerpoint slides to summarize the theme. MSc students just attach yourselves to one of the groups the others form. If you can sort yourselves into groups ahead of Wednesday that is not a bad thing. What we need to do is update slide 2 (and of course someone could change slide 1), then make the rest of the presentation match slide 2.

Best wishes
Professor Alison Rodger
Director MOAC Doctoral Training Centre and Warwick Centre for Analytical Science
University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK
ph: (44) (0)24 76574696/76523234; fax: (44) (0)24 76575795 mobile: 07920531213; mobile internal fast dial: 41213
MOAC administrator: Sarah Shute: (44) (0)24 76574695/75808
W-CAS administrator: Fiona Friel: (44) (0)24 76150221

Wed 25 Jan, '12
Instead of a DTC seminar - Agilent meeting. Attendance is voluntary but encouraged!
MOAC seminar room

Contact Sarah Grilli-Shute on for more programme information.

Wed 1 Feb, '12
Joint DTC Seminar - Andrew Turberfield, Oxford - 'Condensed matter physics - DNA nano structures.'
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 8 Feb, '12
Joint DTC Seminar - David Sheratt, Oxford
MOAC seminar room
Wed 15 Feb, '12
Joint DTC Seminar - Stuart McHattie & Martin Kimber, Tessella PLC, Oxford - Smarter Clinical Trials: how Bayesian adaptive trials improve drug development
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 22 Feb, '12
Joint DTC Seminar - Peter Scott, Chemistry, UOW- Unique objects from coordination chemistry and their biological applications
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 29 Feb, '12
Joint DTC Seminar - Jenny Delasalle, 'Copyright for authors'
Moac Seminar Room

Copyright & the Researcher

Wed 7 Mar, '12
Joint DTC Seminar - Prof Wilfrid Kendall - Useful Ideas from Stochastic Geometry
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 2 May, '12
MOAC/WSB DTC Joint Seminar - Mark Barrow (UOW) - Athabasca oil sands and the environment
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 9 May, '12
Joint DTC seminar - Isaac Liu, School of Engineering, UOW, 'Nanomechanics and nanomanipulation of soft biological materials for tissue engineering'
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 16 May, '12
MOAC/WSB DTC Joint Seminar - Barbel Finkenstadt (UOW) - – ‘Noise’ in biological systems: some remarks on modelling and inference
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 23 May, '12
MOAC/WSB DTC Joint Seminar - Naila Rabbani (Life Sciences, UOW), Conversion of Low Density Lipoprotein to the Small, Dense Pro-Atherogenic Form by Methylglyoxal Glycation: Super-Sticky 'ultra-bad' cholesterol
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 10 Oct, '12
Simon Spencer - MOAC DTC Seminar - “Designing microarray experiments to infer protein signalling networks".
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 17 Oct, '12
Science communication reports
Wed 24 Oct, '12
MOAC DTC Seminar- Yvonne Budden (UOW Library) - 'Highlighting your research'
Wed 31 Oct, '12
MOAC DTC Seminar- Masanori Mishima - UOW - "A molecular genetic approach to the mechanical robustness of the anaphase mitotic spindle"
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 7 Nov, '12
'Intellectual Property and Research Governance & Ethics' - Jane Prewett and Graham Hewitt, Research Support Services - MOAC DTC Seminar
MOAC Seminar Room, top floor Senate House
Wed 14 Nov, '12
MOAC DTC Seminar- Prof Alison Rodger and colleagues - University of Warwick - "How do bacterial cells divide?"
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 21 Nov, '12
*** No MOAC DTC seminar today
Wed 28 Nov, '12
Jenny Delasalle - Warwick Library - MOAC DTC Seminar
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 16 Jan, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Stavros Vasilios (Chemistry UOW) - A career in ultrafast spectroscopy: How and Why?”
MOAC Seminar Room
Tue 22 Jan, '13
Winter Graduation - instead of a seminar this week
Arts Centre and then afterwards in the DTC common room, top floor of Senate House
Wed 30 Jan, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Anne Straube (UOW) - Cell Migration
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 6 Feb, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Hugo van den Berg (UOW) -"The cellular basis of uterine contractility"
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 13 Feb, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Stephen Royle(Liverpool) - Clathrin-medicated endocytosis
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 20 Feb, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Ann Dixon (Chemistry) - Mischief in the membrane - what makes good membrane proteins go bad?
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 27 Feb, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Rachel O'Reilly (Chemistry) - New directions in Chemistry - taking inspiration from Biology
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 6 Mar, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - David Kreil (UOW) - the challenging issue of benchmarking in bioinformatics, where "known truths" are rare
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 1 May, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Lawrence Young - Viruses and Cancer: from cause to cure
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 8 May, '13
MOAC DTC Seminar - Dave Haddleton (Chemistry, UoW): Publication Metrics. Followed by MOAC Annual Conference Planning
MOAC Seminar Room
