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‘Millennial bean’ could give UK a new home-grown plant protein

A new bean variety which could become the UK’s next commercial plant-protein crop has been harvested from a large scale field trial with a combine harvester for the first time this week.

Pint of Science returns next week bringing scientists out of the lab and into your local pub

The public science festival, Pint of Science, kicks off next with experts from the Universities of Warwick and Coventry talking about their research work in a selection of pubs and venues around the Coventry and Leamington Spa.

Beer and fodder crop has been deteriorating for 6000 years

The diversity of the crop Sorghum, a cereal used to make alcoholic drinks, has been decreasing over time due to agricultural practice. To maintain the diversity of the crop and keep it growing farmers will need to revise how they manage it.

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