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Study shows that in HER2 positive early breast cancer 6 months treatment with Herceptin is as good as 12 months for preventing cancer return

A new study co-led by the University of Warwick Clinical Trials Unit has shown that shortening the duration of a therapy for breast cancer patients does not increase the risk of their cancer returning.

Fri 07 Jun 2019, 09:41 | Tags: research, cancer, WMS, Warwick Medical School, Health and Medicine

Novel anti-cancer drug delivery system being presented in Parliament by Warwick student

Sean Ellacott, 25, a third year PhD student at the University of Warwick, , is attending Parliament to present his chemistry research about the interaction of self-assembling nanotubes with biological models, which are currently being considered for the delivery of anticancer drugs, to a range of politicians and a panel of expert judges, as part of STEM for BRITAIN on Wednesday 13 March.

Fri 22 Feb 2019, 09:49 | Tags: Chemistry, cancer, nanotechnology, Sciences

Simply shining light on dinosaur metal compound kills cancer cells

A new compound based on Iridium, a rare metal which landed in the Gulf of Mexico 66 M years ago, hooked onto albumin, a protein in blood, can attack the nucleus of cancerous cells when switched on by light, University of Warwick researchers have found.

Mon 04 Feb 2019, 09:12 | Tags: Chemistry, cancer, Sciences

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