Nebula Emission Line Fluxes - v2.1
v2.1 fluxes can be found here but v2.2.1 should be considered instead.
BPASS produces stellar continuum emission. We caution that, in astrophysical contexts, this is reprocessed by dust and nebular gas before detection, and that our models should be similarly processed.
We recommend the use of a radiative transfer code such as CLOUDY or MAPPINGS to do this.
We have been wary of providing a processed data set, since there is considerable uncertainty on the physical range of nebular gas parameters (see figure below from Stanway et al 2014 and Xiao et al, submitted) and it is important to distinguish between uncertainties in the stellar models and those in their later reprocessing.
In published work on v2.0 (e.g. Stanway et al 2014) and our earlier work on BPASS v1.1 (below) we have used CLOUDY v13.03 and defined a default set of nebular gas parameters as follows:
gas metallicity follows stellar metallicity,
log(electron density)=2,
covering fraction=1,
spherical geometry, inner radius=10 pc.
Input files for CLOUDY with these parameters can be generated in IDL using this code. The code can be modified for other gas properties as required. Note that the most recent (2017) version of CLOUDY has v2.0 of BPASS preloaded as stellar models.
Nebula Emission Line Fluxes - v1.1
Nebula emission line fluxes versus age for different metallicities and single/binary populations, calculated by Cloudy.
Stellar Emission Line Fluxes - v1.1
Stellar emission line fluxes versus age for different metallicities and single/binary populations, calculated from the models. Included as equivalent widths and line luminosities for C(IV), He(II) and the Wolf-Rayet Blue & Red bumps.