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Research themes

Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence

  • Investigation of high-Reynolds number plasma turbulence in the interplanetary solar wind with a focus on the dissipation, heating and wave dispersion mechanisms at sub-proton gyro scales.
  • Statistical data analysis (spectral and nonlinear time series methods) on large complex multispacecraft and multi-instrument datasets from NASA and ESA heliospheric and magnetospheric missions.
  • The above studies are supplemented by HPC parallel computation, visualisation and analysis of large Hall-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of plasma turbulence.
  • Key collaborations: Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnqiue, France: Dr. Fouad Sahraoui, Dr. Romain Meyrand, Prof. Sebastien Galtier; Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, University of Warwick, UK: Prof. Sandra Chapman, Dr. Kareem Osman and Dr. Bogdan Hnat.

Selected recent publications:

  1. Khurom H. Kiyani, Kareem T. Osman and Sandra C. Chapman, Dissipation and heating in solar wind turbulence: from the macro to the micro and back again, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 373 20140155 (2015) -- article link
  2. R. Meyrand, K. H. Kiyani and S. Galtier, Weak Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Intermittency, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 770 R1 (2015). Cover article -- article link, arXiv preprint link
  3. K. H. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman, F. Sahraoui, B. Hnat, O. Fauvarque, and Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, Enhanced magnetic compressibility and isotropic scale invariance at sub-ion Larmor scales in solar wind turbulence, Astrophysical Journal 763 (10), (2013) -- article link, arXiv preprint link

Viewing human crowd dynamics through computer vision

  • Hardware accelerated [TVL1 regularised] optical flow to study the bulk flow properties of very dense crowd flows -- using both kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions.
  • The development of multiple camera stereo vision of dense crowds with a focus on the problem of accurate segmentation of pedestrians in situations of heavy occlusion.
  • Key collaborations: University Paris Sud, France: Dr. Emmanuel Aldea; Hajj Research Institute, Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Dr. Adnan Gutub; Crowd Dynamic Inc. UK: Paul Townsend.

Selected recent publications:

  1. Emmanuel Aldea and Khurom H. Kiyani, Hybrid Focal Stereo Networks for Paern Analysis in Homogeneous Scenes, in Computer Vision - ACCV 2014 Workshops, pp. 695-710, Springer International Publishing (2014) -- article link, arXiv preprint link
  2. Emanuel Aldea, Davide Marastoni, and Khurom H. Kiyani, Spatio-Temporal Consistency for Head Detection in High-Density Scenes, In Computer Vision-ACCV 2014 Workshops, pp. 665-679, Springer International Publishing (2014) -- article link, preprint link


Speed distributions through dense optical flow using GPGPUs and the OpenCV library


Probablistic relaxation using Delaunay tessellation

Econometrics and high-frequency finance

  • Accurate quantification of robust stylised facts, via the study of statistical scaling laws based on micro-to-macro limit theorems for non-Gaussian fluctuations.
  • Investigation of statistical consequences for looking at different timebases dictated by trading frequency -- business/economic clocks.
  • Development of alternative risk metrics which include the affect of rare but extreme events which can have catastrophic effects e.g. the so-called 'flash-crash' of May 6th 2010.
  • Key collaboration: University of Essex: Dr. Wing Lon Ng; and Kings College London: Dr. Steve Phelps.

Articles in preparation:

  1. K. H. Kiyani and W. L. Ng, Estimating financial risk with event driven clocks, (2015).

solarwind.jpgThe solar wind and Earth's magnetosphere

mhdsimMagnetohydrodynamic turbulence simulation with strong guide field

rpm1.jpgMultiple camera calibration at a scene in London

meccaWide angle mutliple camera stereo vision in an extremely crowded scene in Mecca

hffTime-series of high frequency currency pairs in physical and event time