Research themes
Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence
- Investigation of high-Reynolds number plasma turbulence in the interplanetary solar wind with a focus on the dissipation, heating and wave dispersion mechanisms at sub-proton gyro scales.
- Statistical data analysis (spectral and nonlinear time series methods) on large complex multispacecraft and multi-instrument datasets from NASA and ESA heliospheric and magnetospheric missions.
- The above studies are supplemented by HPC parallel computation, visualisation and analysis of large Hall-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of plasma turbulence.
- Key collaborations: Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnqiue, France: Dr. Fouad Sahraoui, Dr. Romain Meyrand, Prof. Sebastien Galtier; Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, University of Warwick, UK: Prof. Sandra Chapman, Dr. Kareem Osman and Dr. Bogdan Hnat.
Selected recent publications:
- Khurom H. Kiyani, Kareem T. Osman and Sandra C. Chapman, Dissipation and heating in solar wind turbulence: from the macro to the micro and back again, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 373 20140155 (2015) -- article link
- R. Meyrand, K. H. Kiyani and S. Galtier, Weak Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Intermittency, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 770 R1 (2015). Cover article -- article link, arXiv preprint link
- K. H. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman, F. Sahraoui, B. Hnat, O. Fauvarque, and Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, Enhanced magnetic compressibility and isotropic scale invariance at sub-ion Larmor scales in solar wind turbulence, Astrophysical Journal 763 (10), (2013) -- article link, arXiv preprint link
Viewing human crowd dynamics through computer vision
- Hardware accelerated [TVL1 regularised] optical flow to study the bulk flow properties of very dense crowd flows -- using both kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions.
- The development of multiple camera stereo vision of dense crowds with a focus on the problem of accurate segmentation of pedestrians in situations of heavy occlusion.
- Key collaborations: University Paris Sud, France: Dr. Emmanuel Aldea; Hajj Research Institute, Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Dr. Adnan Gutub; Crowd Dynamic Inc. UK: Paul Townsend.
Selected recent publications:
- Emmanuel Aldea and Khurom H. Kiyani, Hybrid Focal Stereo Networks for Paern Analysis in Homogeneous Scenes, in Computer Vision - ACCV 2014 Workshops, pp. 695-710, Springer International Publishing (2014) -- article link, arXiv preprint link
- Emanuel Aldea, Davide Marastoni, and Khurom H. Kiyani, Spatio-Temporal Consistency for Head Detection in High-Density Scenes, In Computer Vision-ACCV 2014 Workshops, pp. 665-679, Springer International Publishing (2014) -- article link, preprint link
Speed distributions through dense optical flow using GPGPUs and the OpenCV library
Probablistic relaxation using Delaunay tessellation
Econometrics and high-frequency finance
- Accurate quantification of robust stylised facts, via the study of statistical scaling laws based on micro-to-macro limit theorems for non-Gaussian fluctuations.
- Investigation of statistical consequences for looking at different timebases dictated by trading frequency -- business/economic clocks.
- Development of alternative risk metrics which include the affect of rare but extreme events which can have catastrophic effects e.g. the so-called 'flash-crash' of May 6th 2010.
- Key collaboration: University of Essex: Dr. Wing Lon Ng; and Kings College London: Dr. Steve Phelps.
Articles in preparation:
- K. H. Kiyani and W. L. Ng, Estimating financial risk with event driven clocks, (2015).
The solar wind and Earth's magnetosphere
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence simulation with strong guide field
Multiple camera calibration at a scene in London
Wide angle mutliple camera stereo vision in an extremely crowded scene in Mecca
Time-series of high frequency currency pairs in physical and event time