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Time Allocation January - June 2022

210711 Professor Sharon Ashbrook University of St Andrews Department of Chemistry 1 GHz High-Field Solid-State 17O NMR Study of Metal-Organic Frameworks
210712 Frédéric Blanc University of Liverpool Department of Chemistry Germanium-73 WURST QCPMG NMR of La3Ga5GeO14 and La3Ga3.5Ge2.5O14.75
210713 Frederic Blanc Universty of Liverpool Department of Chemistry Laser-Heated High Temperature High Field Oxygen-17 NMR of Interstitial Oxygens in Langasites
210714 Steven Brown University of Warwick Department of Physics Two-Dimensional 15N-1H Correlation Experiments on Natural Abundance Organic Molecules at 1 GHz and Fast MAS
210715 Steven Brown University of Warwick Department of Physics Two-Dimensional 1H-13C Correlation Experiments on Natural Abundance Organic Molecules
210716 Steven Brown University of Warwick Department of Physics 35Cl-1H Double Quantum TRAPDOR at High Field for application to Pharmaceuticals.
210717 Paul Dupree University of Cambridge Biochemistry 2D and 3D 13C NMR studies of whole plant stems
210718 Professor R Dupree University of Warwick Department of Physics Cellulose microfibril structure
210719 Paul Dupree University of Cambridge Biochemistry 2D 13C NMR studies of peat moss (Oxymist)
210720 Dr Alexander Forse University of Cambridge Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry Developing High Field 17O NMR as a Sensitive Probe of CO2 Adsorption
210721 John Griffin Lancaster University Department of Chemistry Variable-Temperature 23Na NMR Study of a Novel Na-rich Double Perovskite
210722 Clare Grey University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry 1H, 7Li and 19F MAS NMR study of charge neutrality at electrode-electrolyte interfaces of supercapacitors
210723 Clare Grey University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry 183W and 17O MAS NMR of niobium tungsten oxide bronze phases
210724 Clare Grey University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry 91Zr NMR of UiO-66 at 23 T
210725 Clare Grey University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry 27Al and 1H MAS NMR of alumina coatings on electrode materials
210726 John Hanna University of Warwick Department of Physics 93Nb and 17O Solid State NMR Investigation of the Structural Disorder in Nb5+ and Y3+ Substituted CeO2 for Enhanced Oxygen Storage Capacity
210727 John Hanna University of Warwick Department of Physics 93Nb Solid State NMR Studies of Layered Nb Doped SrO(SrTi(1-x)NbxO3)2 Perovskite Thermoelectric Materials; Determining the Nature of Sr Vacancy Formation
210728 Dominik J. Kubicki University of Warwick Department of Physics 177Hf NMR of hafnium carbide at 20 T
210729 Jozef Lewandowski University of Warwick Department of Chemistry Development of SESAME-SD for investigating protein interfaces.
210730 Daniel Lee University of Manchester Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science Characterisation of effects of post-synthesis treatments on zeolite surfaces
210731 Daniel Lee University of Manchester Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science High-field, fast MAS 19F NMR for the determination of polymorphs in organic solid solutions
210732 Daniel Lee University of Manchester Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science Characterisation of metal-organic framework adsorption and conversion of methane
210733 Professor Russell Morris University of St Andrews School of Chemistry High-Field (850 MHz) Solid-State 17O NMR Study of Framework Lability Mechanism in Zeolites
210734 Dermot O'Hare University of Oxford Department of Chemistry Surface modification of layered double hydroxides
210735 Dr. Maulik Patel University of Liverpool Material Science and Engineering Structural Analysis 11B Coordination sites in Nuclear Waste Glasses using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
210736 Mark Smith University of Southampton School of Chemistry High-resolution 43Ca and 17O NMR of octacalcium-phosphate derived biomaterials
210737 Shanwen Tao University of Warwick School of Engineering Investigate the conduction mechanism of perovskite oxide proton conductors by solid state NMR
210738 Dr. Russell A. Taylor Durham University Department of Chemistry High-Field Solid-State 67Zn NMR Study of Zincosilicate zeotypes with MFI Framework Type