Time Allocation July-December 2016
Project no: | Applicant | Project title |
1605011 | Sharon Ashbrook, School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews |
High-Resolution 17O NMR Investigation of 17O-Enriched Pyrochlore-Based Ceramics |
1605012 | Sharon Ashbrook, School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews |
Investigation of the Occlusion of Mg2+ ions within Calcite (CaCO3) Crystals |
1605013 | Frédéric Blanc, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool |
Identification of carbenium ions in zeolite and their interaction with the surface probed by 13C-29Si heteronuclear correlations |
1605014 | Frédéric Blanc, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool |
Investigation of 7Li–17O proximity in lanthanum lithium tungstates with heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (HMQC) NMR |
1605015 | Frédéric Blanc, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool |
47,49Ti and 17O NMR study of LaxSr1-xTiO3 :local structure and defects |
1605016 | Steven Brown, Department of Physics, University of Warwick |
Analysis of a new cisoid-form of 9,10-bis(diphenylthiophosphoryl)anthracene by High-field Solid State NMR |
1605017 | Steven Brown, Department of Physics, University of Warwick |
Characterising solid-state forms of mebendazole and linezolid form III at 850 MHz |
1605018 | Paul Dupree, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge |
2D and 3D 13C NMR studies of whole plant stems |
1605019 | Ian Farnan, Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge |
Characterising the structure and alteration surface of UK nuclear waste glasses |
1605020 | Clare Grey, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge |
39K DOR Studies of Potassium Iodate |
1605021 | John Hanna, Department of Physics, University of Warwick |
17O MQMAS/DOR MAS Characterisation of Calcium Carbonate |
1605022 | Kenneth Harris, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University |
Exploiting CLASSIC NMR to Monitor the Formation Mechanisms of Framework Materials |
1605023 | Kenneth Harris, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University |
In-Situ Solid-State NMR Studies of Pressure-Induced Transformations Resulting from MAS |
1605024 | Kenneth Harris, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University |
Studying Amorphous Intermediate Phases in Crystallization Processes by In-Situ Solid-State NMR |
1605026 | Yaroslav Khimyak, School of Pharmacy, University of East Anglia |
Understanding Organisation of Supramolecular Hydrogels using NMR Spectroscopy |
1605027 | Yaroslav Khimyak, School of Pharmacy, University of East Anglia |
Understanding spatial distribution of confined pharmaceuticals: role of water and solid-liquid interfaces |
1605028 | Józef Lewandowski, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick |
Investigation of structure and dynamics of 5P12RANTES:CCR5 complex to elucidate molecular basis for inhibition of HIV infection |
1605029 | Russell Morris, School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews |
High-Field Solid-State 17O NMR Study of Metal-Organic Frameworks |
1605030 | Mark Smith, Vice-Chancellor's Office and Department of Chemistry, Lancaster University |
NMR of Quadrupolar nuclei (93Nb, 23Na, 43Ca): Nanoclusters and Nanoparticles |
1605031 | Jeremy Titman, School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham |
Recoupling 1H CSAs: Solving Problems with RF Inhomogeneity, Scaling Factor and Heteronuclear Couplings |
1605032 | Richard Walton, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick |
High-Field 71Ga NMR Study of gamma-(Ga,Al)2O3 |
1605033 | Anthony Watts, Biochemistry Department, University of Oxford |
A novel role for Tyr185 in photocycle-driven H+ transport by the photo-receptor protein, bacteriohodopsin, from Halobacterium salinarum |
1605034 | Stephen Wimperis, Department of Chemistry, Lancaster University |
Heterogeneous Biocatalytic Systems: Towards High-Resolution Atomic-level Structural Characterisation using Solid-state NMR |