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Scholarships for UK Students to Study at Harvard and MIT

The Graduate School wishes to draw your attention to the funding opportunities available for UK students to study at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the United States.

One Million Pounds of Grant Awards in June

We have again broken the £1m barrier with five awards in June.£850k for a project led by Gavin Bell EPSRC A soft approach to room temperature spin valves£100k for Dirk Gericke (CI Jan Vorberger) Temperature Relaxation in Dense, Reacting Plasmas£40k Steven Brown Travel fund from Bruker.£20k Pam Thomas Science City, USA Roadshow, Boston£6k Dirk Gericke Royal Society travel grant Staggering as this may be, £1m a month actually is a comfortable level to maintain the status quo in our finances!

Congratulations to David Quigley

david_quigley_cropped.pngCongratulations to David Quigley on winning an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship. David , who is already at Warwick working on the Science City project, will join the Department of Physics from October 2009 in the Theory and Computational Physics group. David’s office is PS012 in Physical Sciences.

Please see the following link for more information on the Fellowship

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