% Clear the workspace. close all hidden; clear; clc; % FMC parameters. Averages = 1; Elements = 64; SamplingFreqMHz = 50; GainDecibels = 50; GainDecibelsHdr = 70;%[];% FreqFilter = 4; PulseTime = 200; Voltage = 80; Rate = 20; % TFM data parameters. DataLength = 3000; StartTimePoint = 500; StartTime = -0.7e-6; SamplingFreq = SamplingFreqMHz * 1.0e6; HighPass = 0.5e6; LowPass = 10.0e6; Speed = 5740.0;%6374.0;% % Calculated from measurements. SpeedWedge = 2330.0; % Rexolite. ElementSpacing = 0.60e-3; % From data sheet. % TFM wedge parameters. UsingWedge = true; if UsingWedge WedgeAngle = 20.0; % Calculated from measurements. WedgeStartX = 0.0 + ((41.0e-3 - 38.4e-3) / 2 + 1.5e-3 + ElementSpacing / 2) * cosd(WedgeAngle); % Calculated from measurements. WedgeStartY = 38.11e-3 + ((41.0e-3 - 38.4e-3) / 2 + 1.5e-3 + ElementSpacing / 2) * sind(WedgeAngle); % Calculated from measurements. PositionsX = (0:1:63) .* (ElementSpacing * cosd(WedgeAngle)) + (WedgeStartX + cosd(WedgeAngle) * ElementSpacing / 2); % Calculated from measurements. PositionsY = (0:-1:-63) .* (ElementSpacing * sind(WedgeAngle)) - (WedgeStartY + sind(WedgeAngle) * ElementSpacing / 2); % Calculated from measurements. Interface = [0.0 0.0; 61.34e-3 0.0]; % Measured. XStart = 60.0e-3; XEnd = XStart + 60.0e-3; XIncrement = 0.25e-3; YStart = 0.0e-3; YEnd = 60.0e-3; YIncrement = 0.25e-3; SavedPathsWedge = '5000L_60to120_0to60_025inc_5740.mat'; else PositionsX = (0:1:63) .* ElementSpacing - 18.9e-3; PositionsY = []; XStart = -30.0e-3; XEnd = 30.0e-3; XIncrement = 0.25e-3; YStart = 0.0e-3; YEnd = 60.0e-3; YIncrement = 0.25e-3; end % Derived parameters. if ~isempty(GainDecibelsHdr) IncreasedDynamicRange = true; else IncreasedDynamicRange = false; end StartTime = StartTime + (StartTimePoint - 1) / SamplingFreq; % Prepare the TFM calculation. Mp5Tfm = TotalFocusingMethod; Mp5Tfm.SetDataParameters(DataLength,StartTime,SamplingFreq,HighPass,LowPass,Speed); Mp5Tfm.SetTransducerPosition(PositionsX,PositionsY); Mp5Tfm.SetImageRegion(XStart,XEnd,XIncrement,YStart,YEnd,YIncrement); if UsingWedge if exist('SavedPathsWedge','var') && ~isempty(SavedPathsWedge) && exist(SavedPathsWedge,'file') load(SavedPathsWedge); Mp5Tfm.LoadPaths(Paths); clear('Paths'); else Mp5Tfm.CalculatePathsWedge(SpeedWedge,Interface); end else Mp5Tfm.CalculatePaths(); end % Connect to the MicroPulse and enter the necessary settings for FMC. Mp5 = MicroPulse5('',1067,false); Mp5.Reset([],SamplingFreqMHz); Mp5.DataOutputFormat(1); Mp5.FullMatrixCapture(Elements,GainDecibels,FreqFilter,PulseTime,Voltage,Rate); %Mp5.FullMatrixCaptureHeader(1,'.\'); % Repeatedly start a sweep, then immediately go to idle mode so that only one FMC acquisition is performed. TimePoints(:,1) = (0:1:2999) .* (1.0 / SamplingFreqMHz); FigureTfm = figure('Color','w','InvertHardcopy','off'); pause(0.5); while ishandle(FigureTfm) % Obtain the FMC data. FmcScan = zeros(3000,Elements,Elements,1+IncreasedDynamicRange); TryScanAgain = false; for Current = 1:1:Averages Mp5.PerformTestsContinuously(1,true); Mp5.IdleMode(); Mp5.FullMatrixCaptureReadFast(Elements); if any(any(~any(Mp5.Fmc))) disp('FMC failure - some data sets are empty (not even noise). Scan ignored.'); TryScanAgain = true; break; end FmcScan(:,:,:,1) = FmcScan(:,:,:,1) + Mp5.Fmc; end if TryScanAgain continue; end if IncreasedDynamicRange Mp5.Gain(1,GainDecibelsHdr,true); pause(0.5); for Current = 1:1:Averages Mp5.PerformTestsContinuously(1,true); Mp5.IdleMode(); Mp5.FullMatrixCaptureReadFast(Elements); if any(any(~any(Mp5.Fmc))) disp('FMC failure - some data sets are empty (not even noise). Scan ignored.'); TryScanAgain = true; break; end FmcScan(:,:,:,2) = FmcScan(:,:,:,2) + Mp5.Fmc; end Mp5.Gain(1,GainDecibels,true); end if TryScanAgain continue; end % Use the TFM on the FMC data. if IncreasedDynamicRange Mp5Tfm.Tfm(DynamicRangeMerge(FmcScan(StartTimePoint:1:DataLength,:,:,2),FmcScan(StartTimePoint:1:DataLength,:,:,1),121,-121,10,10 ^ ((GainDecibelsHdr - GainDecibels) / 20.0))); else Mp5Tfm.Tfm(FmcScan(StartTimePoint:1:DataLength,:,:)); end if ishandle(FigureTfm) TfmPlot = Mp5Tfm.PlotResults(FigureTfm,false); drawnow; end end