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Friday, July 07, 2023

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European Congress of Psychology

Runs from Wednesday, July 05 to Friday, July 07.

Statement of Interest

Scientific member role spec

The BPS is hosting the ECP 2023 on behalf of the European Federation of Psychology Associations in Brighton on 5-7 July 2023.

The theme for the event is Psychology Uniting Communities for a Sustainable World.

We are looking for a group of practitioners and researchers united by their energy and passion for psychology. We appeal to people from across all domains of psychology to come together in ensuring a dynamic, innovative and far-reaching scientific programme that reflects a blend of knowledge and experience representing the best of psychology. The theme of uniting communities requires psychology to build strong collaborations across borders between academics and practitioners alike. ยท

The role of the Committee includes:

  • The responsibility for managing the scientific programme, including call for submissions, and decision making on selection of submitted abstracts and presenters.
  • Ensuring diversity and inclusion in all aspects relating to the scientific programme, including consideration of technology, accessibility for submissions, presentations and participation.
  • Encouraging wide participation from psychologists from different domains and regions Ensuring that the type and form of the congress programme promotes sustainability. For example, the call for submissions for an e-poster system which will replace hard copy and, that participation in the conference is possible virtually to its greatest extent. Applications are welcomed from across the membership – including academics, teachers, researchers and practitioners.

Applications are welcomed from across the membership - including academics, teachers, researchers and practitioners. We are also seeking undergraduate, postgraduate and early career members to ensure representation at all stages of the career pathway. The Society welcomes encourages applications from the following groups of people who are under-represented within our committees. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people. People with disabilities and, people who identify as LGBTQ+. We welcome all people who have the potential to help humanity in solving the problems that our world faces today. A statement of interest form and member role spec are no later than Friday 15th October.


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Carl Bourton | Research and Impact Grants and Awards Administrator
St. Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East, Leicester, LE1 7DR
t: +44 (0)116 252 9917 m:
