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Fellowship application form for previous PhD applicants

This application form should only be completed by applicants who have already applied to study a PhD within the Department of Psychology prior to January 2024.

Applicants who have not already applied to study a PhD with us should apply for the Fellowships via the normal route outlined in the advert.


4. If you would like to provide updated references in support of your application, please provide us with the names and email addresses of up to 2 referees below. We will contact them to request references on your behalf. Please note that references must be provided by referees within 2 weeks of a request being made for them to be included in your application.

4aiv. I confirm that I have informed the above referee that their name has been put down in this capacity and that they are expecting to be contacted about providing a reference
4biv. I confirm that I have informed the above referee that their name has been put down in this capacity and that they are expecting to be contacted about providing a reference

5a. For the Behavioural Science PhD Fellowship in Psychology, please provide a short CV and covering letter detailing your motivation and relevant experience for this fellowship.

5b. If you are applying for the Open Fellowships, please provide your CV and a short research proposal (5 pages maximum, including references), including the reasons for your choice of supervisor – upload below.


Please ensure that your CV and proposal are contained in separate files, and are uploaded in the .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.

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