## Solutions used R 2.6.0 on Windows XP. I've used ## `##' before comments, and `#' before R output ## Simon Wood 3/12/2007 ## Q1. Note that `machine precision' is slightly more slippery than ## is suggested here. The question focuses on the precision implied ## by the storage of floating point numbers in main memory. The part ## of the CPU which carries out floating point operations often ## works at a higher precision, carrying more significant figures ## in intermendiate quantities. Compilers sometimes use these extra ## precision floating point storage locations as temporary storage ## to speed up code, which can mean that a program has some of its ## floating point numbers stored at higher precision than others. ## The upshot is that it is usually a bad idea to test floating point ## numbers for exact equality, even if they should be exactly equal. ## Do read Section 1.1 of Press et al. (2007) Numerical Recipes, CUP. ## a) eps <- 1 x <- 1 while (x+eps != x) eps <- eps/2 eps/x # 1.110223e-16 ## b) eps+x==x # [1] TRUE eps1 <- eps*1.01 eps1+x==x # [1] FALSE ## ... confirming the statement ## c) `Twice the largest postive number such that 1+x==x'? ## d) This question is slightly botched (should have been modest powers of 2), ## but here's the sort of thing I meant eps <- 1 x <- 4 while (x+eps != x) eps <- eps/2 eps/x #[1] 1.110223e-16 ## e) again `not powers of 2' would have been correct eps <- 1 x <- pi while (x+eps != x) eps <- eps/2 eps/x #[1] 7.067899e-17 ## f) eps <- 1 x <- 1 while (x+eps != x) eps <- eps/2 log(1/(2*eps))/log(10) #[1] 15.65356 ## Q2. ## a) X <- matrix(runif(100000),1000,100) z <- rep(0,1000) system.time( for (i in 1:1000) { for (j in 1:100) z[i] <- z[i] + X[i,j] }) system.time(z1 <- rowSums(X)) system.time(z2 <- apply(X,1,sum)) range(z-z1) range(z-z2) ## b) n <- 100000 z <- rnorm(n) proc.time() zneg <- 0;j <- 1 for (i in 1:n) { if (z[i]<0) { zneg[j] <- z[i] j <- j + 1 } } proc.time() zneg1 <- z[z<0] ## fast alternative proc.time() range(zneg1-zneg) ## Q3. ## basic manipulations.... set.seed(1) n <- 1000 A <- matrix(runif(n*n),n,n) x <- runif(n) xtAx <- t(x)%*%A%*%x trA <- sum(diag(A)) AtXA <- t(A)%*%diag(x)%*%A ## Q4 ## a) set.seed(0) n <- 1000 A <- matrix(runif(n*n),n,n) x.true <- runif(n) y <- A%*%x.true ## b) proc.time() Ai <- solve(A) x1 <- Ai%*%y proc.time() ## took about 4 seconds mean(abs(x1-x.true)) #[1] 2.869841e-11 ## c) system.time(x2 <- solve(A,y)) ## .8 seconds mean(abs(x2-x.true)) #[1] 7.95802e-13 ## d) It seems that method c) is both faster and more accurate (which is what ## theory would confirm). ## Q5. Many solutions are possible. Here is one that does the job. obs.cdf <- function(x,plot.cdf=TRUE) { sx <- sort.int(x,index.return=TRUE) ## order the observations n <- length(x) sx$F <- 1:n/n ## \hat F for the ordered data if (plot.cdf) { dx <- (max(x)-min(x))/20 ## how far to plot beyond data range xp <- c(sx$x[1]-dx,sx$x,sx$x[n]+dx) ## the x values for plotting xp <- rep(xp,rep(3,n+2))[-1] ## repeat the x values for step function plot Fp <- c(0,sx$F,1) ## \hat F values for plotting Fp <- rep(Fp,rep(3,n+2))[-3*(n+2)] ## repeat in same way as x plot(xp,Fp,type="l",xlab="x",ylab="F(x)") ## plot! } sx$F[sx$ix] <- sx$F ## \hat F in original data order sx$F ## return \hat F } obs.cdf(rnorm(30)) ## Q6... NA ## Q7. ## a) rb <- function(x,z) { 100*(z-x^2)^2 + (1-x)^2 } ## b) n <- 100 x <- seq(-1.5,1.5,length=n) z <- seq(-.5,1.5,length=n) f <- outer(x,z,rb) contour(x,z,matrix(f,n,n)) ## c) contour(x,z,matrix(log10(f),n,n),levels=(1:10/2)) ## d) rb.grad <- function(x,z) { ## gradient of rosenbrocks function at a single point g <- rep(NA,2) g[2] <- 200*(z-x^2) g[1] <- 400*(x^3-z*x) + 2*(x-1) g } ## e) x0 <- .5; z0 <- 1; eps <- 1e-7 f0 <- rb(x0,z0) g <- g0 <- rb.grad(x0,z0) ## exact gradiant ## put FD gradiant in g0 g0[1] <- (rb(x0+eps,z0)-f0)/eps g0[2] <- (rb(x0,z0+eps)-f0)/eps g;g0 ## compare ## f) rb.hess <- function(x,z) { ## Hessian of Rosenbrock's function, at a single point H <- matrix(NA,2,2) H[2,2] <- 200 H[1,1] <- 1200*x^2 - 400*z + 2 H[2,1] <- H[1,2] <- -400*x H } ## g) H <- H0 <- rb.hess(x0,z0) H0[,1] <- (rb.grad(x0+eps,z0)-g)/eps H0[,2] <- (rb.grad(x0,z0+eps)-g)/eps H;H0 ## h) ad.quad <- function(x,z,col=2,trans=log10,lev=1:10/2) { ## function to add a quadratic approximation to Rosenbrocks ## to a plot of the function, based on a Taylor expansion ## at x,z f0 <- rb(x,z) g <- rb.grad(x,z) H <- rb.hess(x,z) qap <- function(x,z,f0,g,H) { X <- matrix(c(x,z),length(x),2) f0 + X%*%g + rowSums((X%*%H)*X)/2 } n <- 100 xx <- seq(-1.5,1.5,length=n) zz <- seq(-.5,1.5,length=n) q <- trans(outer(xx-x,zz-z,qap,f0=f0,g=g,H=H)) contour(xx,zz,matrix(q,n,n),col=col,add=TRUE,levels=lev) } ## i) contour(x,z,matrix(log10(f),n,n),levels=(1:10/2),lwd=2) ad.quad(-1,0.5);points(1,1,col=2,pch=20,cex=2) ad.quad(0,0,col=3);points(0,0,col=3,pch=20,cex=2) ad.quad(1,1,col=4);points(-1,.5,col=4,pch=20,cex=2) ## j) contour(x,z,matrix(log10(f),n,n),levels=(1:10/2),lwd=2) ad.quad(0.5,0.5);points(.5,.5,col=2,pch=20,cex=2) ## Q8. ## a) ?optim ## b) versions of rb and rb.grad for `optim' use rbo <- function(x) { 100*(x[2]-x[1]^2)^2 + (1-x[1])^2 } rbg <- function(x) rb.grad(x[1],x[2]) ## c) optim(c(-.5,1),rbo) ## reports successful convergence ## d) optim(c(-.5,1),rbo,method="BFGS") ## ... modest improvement ## e) optim(c(-.5,1),rbo,rbg,method="BFGS") ## ... takes fewer evaluations to converge to much higher accuracy ## f) optim(c(-.5,1),rbo,rbg,method="CG",control=list(maxit=11000)) ## ... very slow convergence in this case.