plot.aic <- function(fit, new=T) { # code to plot AIC against order of AR model fitted if (new) plot((1:length(fit$aic))-1,fit$aic,type="l",xlab="Order",ylab="AIC") else lines((1:length(fit$aic))-1,fit$aic,type="l") points(fit$order,0,pch=16,col="red") } # generates data from an autoregressive process, by default of order 1 sim.y <- function(n, model=list(ar=c(0.9))) arima.sim(model=model, n) n <- 20 # length of time series R <- 1000 # number of replicates # first dataset to get things started y <- sim.y(n) fit <- ar(y,order.max=19) plot.aic(fit) # we will store the orders chosen using AIC, BIC, and AICC AIC.order <- NULL BIC.order <- NULL AICC.order <- NULL # Now make R replicates, plot the corresponding AIC curves for (i in 1:R ) { fit <- ar( sim.y(n, model=list(ar=c(0.5,0.1))) ) plot.aic(fit, new=F) AIC.order <- c(AIC.order, fit$order) # The next two lines should be uncommented and modified to give the # optimal orders when BIC and AICC are used for order selection # BIC.order <- c(BIC.order, NA) # AICC.order <- c(AICC.order, NA) } # tabulate the order of the chosen model table(AIC.order)