DropGd(Tab,Drp) A gradebook is returned with all dropped grades set to NA. Tab is a gradebook table as obtained from GBget Drp is a list coding which grade types can be dropped; the names of each element are taken from the gradebook column names with out any numbers. For example Drp=list(H=2,L=1) would indicate that two homeworks and one lab can be dropped. If you would like to prevent specific grades from being dropped you can supply a list consisting of an integer and a logical vector, as in Drp=list(H=list(2,c(T,T,T,T,T,T,T,F,F))) This would used if you had 9 homeworks, you were going to let them drop two but they were not allowed to drop the last two. The logical list must have an element for each grade of that type. One caution: If you use the feature which prevents certain grades from being dropped it will be possible that a dropped grade avereage is *lower* than a non-dropped grade average. This function makes no account of this; you should work out grades both way and then take the max. $Id: GdBkUtil.S,v 1.5 2000/02/02 21:31:53 nicholst Exp $