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Creating AFS Groups

To set up a directory that others can access, you need to use the AFS command pts .

For clarity, instead of writing < your-uniqname >, I will just use my uniqname, nichols; replace nichols with your uniqname.

To create your own group (a group MUST begin " uniqname: "), then do the following:

> pts creategroup nichols:650
group nichols:650 has id -12006
Then add users, by their uniqnames, to the group.
> pts adduser -group nichols:650 -user jg11 herbie nichols ck3u zarikian
group nichols:650 has id -12006
I'll check that I really added them...
> pts membership nichols:650
Members of nichols:650 (id: -12006) are:
OK, now that I have a group, I can give the group permissions to my AFS directory using the fs la command--la is short for list access control list. The pts and fs commands only apply to directories under /afs.
> fs la /afs/
Access list for /afs/ is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka
  nichols rlidwka
Now I will give write access to my group members like so... (sa =set access control list).
> fs sa /afs/ nichols:650 write
Now when I look at the access list for nichols/stats...
> /usr/local/bin/fs la /afs/andrew/usr/nichols/stats
Access list for /afs/andrew/usr/nichols/stats is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka
  nichols:650 rlidwk
  nichols rlidwka
That's it!

PS: If you get confused, the command

pts membership nichols
will tell you what groups you belong to. This gives some different info
pts examine nichols

Last modified: Mon Jul 5 12:36:18 EDT 2004
Tom Nichols (
UM Biostatistics