function r = icc(x,y) % Intraclass Correlation Coefficient % % Provided to complement the madicc.m function. Differs from usual % Pearson's correlation coefficient only in that the mean and standard % deviation are pooled (assumed equal) over the two variables. % % 2014-07-08 % Thomas Nichols I=find(all(~isnan([x(:) y(:)]),2)); if isempty(I) r=NaN; else mx = mean(x(I)); my = mean(y(I)); sx = std(x(I)); sy = std(y(I)); mn = (mx+mx)/2; sxy = sqrt((sx^2+sy^2)/2); if sxy==0 r = NaN; else r = sum((x(I)-mn).*(y(I)-mn)) / sxy^2 / (length(I)-1); end end