function rmad = madcc(x,y) % Median Absolute Deviation Correlation Coefficient % % Impliments Median Absolute Deviation Correlation Coefficient, (as % described in Shevlyakov & Smirnov (2011). The estimate is % r = ( mad(Sp)^2 - mad(Sm)^2 ) / ( mad(Sp)^2 + mad(Sm)^2 ) % where % Sp = (x-m(x))/mad(x) + (y-m(y))/mad(y); % Sm = (x-m(x))/mad(x) - (y-m(y))/mad(y); % and m() is median and mad() is the median absolute deviation, % mad(x) = m(abs(x-m(x))) % % For autocorrelation estimation, where we correlate lagged versions % of a vector, we can assume mad(x)=mad(y), and divisors cancel and we % can compute Sp & Sm as: % Sp = (x-m(x)) + (y-m(y)); % Sm = (x-m(x)) - (y-m(y)); % % If we further (reasonably) assume that m(Sp)=m(Sm)=0, then a slight % further simplification is possible, where mad()'s can be replaced with % m(abs())'s (Kharin et al., 2011): % r = ( m(abs(Sp))^2 - m(abs(Sm))^2 ) / ( m(abs((Sp))^2 + m(abs((Sm)))^2 ) % This expression is what is computed below. % % REFERENCES % % Shevlyakov, G., & Smirnov, P. (2011). Robust estimation of a % correlation coefficient: an attempt of survey. Australian & New % Zealand Journal of Statistics, 40(1), 147–156. % % Kharin, Y. S., & Voloshko, V. A. (2011). Robust estimation of AR % coefficients under simultaneously influencing outliers and missing % values. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(9), % 3276–3288. % % 2014-07-08 % Thomas Nichols I=find(all(~isnan([x(:) y(:)]),2)); if isempty(I) rmad=NaN; else mx = median(x(I)); my = median(y(I)); madx = median(abs(x(I)-mx)); mady = median(abs(y(I)-my)); Sp = (x(I)-mx)/madx + (y(I)-my)/mady; Sm = (x(I)-mx)/madx - (y(I)-my)/mady; madSp = median(abs(Sp-median(Sp))); madSm = median(abs(Sm-median(Sm))); rmad = (madSp^2 - madSm^2)/(madSp^2 + madSm^2); end