function T2nltP(a1,a2) % Write image of -log10 P-values for a T image % % FORMAT T2nltP(c) % c Contrast number of a T constrast (assumes cwd is a SPM results dir) % % FORMAT T2nltP(Timg,df) % Timg Filename of T image % df Degrees of freedom % % % As per SPM convention, T images are zero masked, and so zeros will have % P-value NaN. % % @(#)T2nltP.m 1.2 T. Nichols 03/07/15 if nargin==1 c = a1; load xCon load SPM xX if xCon(c).STAT ~= 'T', error('Not a T contrast'); end Tnm = sprintf('spmT_%04d',c); df = xX.erdf; else Tnm = a1; df = a2; end Tvol = spm_vol(Tnm); Pvol = Tvol; Pvol.dim(4) = spm_type('float'); Pvol.fname = strrep(Tvol.fname,'spmT','spm_nltP'); if strcmp(Pvol.fname,Tvol.fname) Pvol.fname = fullfile(spm_str_manip(Tvol.fname,'H'), ... ['nltP' spm_str_manip(Tvol.fname,'t')]); end Pvol = spm_create_image(Pvol); for i=1:Pvol.dim(3), img = spm_slice_vol(Tvol,spm_matrix([0 0 i]),Tvol.dim(1:2),0); img(img==0) = NaN; tmp = find(isfinite(img)); if ~isempty(tmp) img(tmp) = -log10(max(eps,1-spm_Tcdf(img(tmp),df))); end Pvol = spm_write_plane(Pvol,img,i); end;